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October 13, 2013

Kevin Na


Q. Talk about being back.
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, it's very nice.  I was out for a while and it's nice to be back, and especially to get off to a good start.  I shot 4‑over the first day and wasn't looking too good to make the cut obviously.
Played awesome the second day and survived the cut.  Felt great coming into the weekend.  Couple competitive rounds under my belt felt pretty good.  And, you know, I just tore it up on the weekend.  Just absolutely tore it up.  I hit it really good, putted great, so I'm very happy.

Q.  Can you go through the recuperation schedule.
KEVIN NA:  After the Masters, over two and a half months I spent in Korea doing rehab.  Did acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, and rehab all in one spot.
Spent two and a half months there, and then I came back and practiced a little bit, slowly started getting back into it.  Felt like I was somewhat ready when the playoffs started, so I played one Web.com Tour event to see where I was with my back.
I made the cut and I felt fine, so I got what I needed, so I only played one and now here I am.

Q.  When do you think you made full swings, hit balls again?
KEVIN NA:  I don't know.  I don't know.  Few months.

Q.  You playing next week?
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, I have to.

Q.  Great playing today.  Talk me through that opportunity on the last.
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, obviously I shot 75 the first day and I was just trying to make the cut.  I played great the second day and gave myself a chance.  Felt great coming into the weekend.
Today I had everything going.  You know, I had a good putt on 16.  Couldn't believe it broke right.
17 I made a good effort for eagle.
18, didn't hit my best putt on 18.
But you know what?  7‑under on Sunday in tough playing conditions, pretty good.

Q.  Starting out the day, what were your goals?
KEVIN NA:  Honestly, I would have taken 5‑under.  That was my goal.  I thought 5‑under had a chance of sniffing top 10.  That was my goal.
I caught fire and shot 4‑under on the front and birdied 10.  I was like, Ooooh.  Couple more I was thinking 7 or 8.  I looked at the leaderboard and I said, I get to 8, I got an outside chance at this golf tournament.
I just kept going forward.  I didn't look back.  I think that's what made me take a low number.

Q.  You'll be heading to Vegas next week.  Obviously you're carrying some great form.  Be looking forward to that tournament down there?
KEVIN NA:  Definitely.  I love the Shriners Hospital tournament.  Won two years ago.  My home course.  Looking forward to it.

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