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October 12, 2013

Simon Thornton


Q.  I take it this was considerably above average today?
SIMON THORNTON:  I played very similar to what I did yesterday on the front nine.  Obviously completely different back nine today, so I played well today.  Putting was good.  Everything was good.  I had one bad chip shot on 15 I think it was but apart from that it was good.

Q.  Almost better at the last?
SIMON THORNTON:  Exactly, yeah, hit two great shots on 18, hit a good putt where I wanted.

Q.  You find yourself in the position you want to be in, so presumably excited now?
SIMON THORNTON:  Yeah, I can't wait now for tomorrow.  I had an experience over in Italy, playing with Francesco was great, but hopefully this can be different tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.

Q.  What do you learn from the experience in Italy?
SIMON THORNTON:  It's a long round for a start.  18 holes, anything can happen.  You just have to keep ticking them off and being aggressive.  You're going to have to shoot birdies.  So 15 is not going to win, it's going to be 17, 18, you'd have thought.  So have to keep making birdies.

Q.  Saying it's a long round suggests you're not always patient with yourself?
SIMON THORNTON:  Sometimes you get hard on yourself because you're expecting it to happen too quick.  But if you just let things happen, be a bit more natural, it's going to be much easier, anyway, to play the game.  So that's what I'll be doing.  Par.

Q.  I take it your game is pretty much spot on at the moment?  Can't get much better than this?
SIMON THORNTON:  It's where I want to be now, yeah.  If I can obviously play as well tomorrow as I could today, but everything is where I want it to be, it's good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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