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October 5, 2013

Jamie Donaldson

Marc Warren


Q.  How much pressure do you feel over a 4‑footer to win a match like that where you know if you miss it, you're going down the last and anything can happen?
MARC WARREN:  Any time you get a chance to close a match out you want to take it.  That was a pretty straightforward putt and knew there was as good a chance we were probably going to get.  Didn't want to do gown 18, so it was nice to see it go in the middle.

Q.  Talk me through your put at the last.
JAMIE DONALDSON:  We were looking at the line, was Marc, was saying, quite slow there, isn't it, and I just kept saying, it's slow, it's slow, and he said, yeah, and walked off.  I thought, I'm just going to rap it because I left a few putts short.  And I just rapid it and it was on the perfect line and it was nice to see it go in the middle.

Q.  Extra pressure knowing you were two behind, you had to come back?
JAMIE DONALDSON:  Yeah, looking back this morning, we felt we could have done a little better the back nine.  Personally I had a couple poor iron shots and was determined to try to putt that right this afternoon.  I think we both played pretty solid this afternoon, especially the back nine we were pretty good.  It was nice to get a point on the board and hopefully the boys can come back or close it out behind us.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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