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August 27, 2013
6‑2, 3‑6, 6‑1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. I know the wind is a problem in Ashe a lot of the time, but was it different today than other times you played out here?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, actually I don't think that I played that often on Ashe, so for me was nice to be back on the court.
The wind was quite difficult for us, but it was same conditions for both of us. Yeah, I mean, it wasn't easy match for first round. It's always tricky and difficult, so I'm glad that I'm through.
Q. Why do you think this, of the Grand Slams, is the one you have had the least success?
PETRA KVITOVA: (Smiling). I don't know. I never play well in the America, and last year I play well when I won the US Open Series and played fourth round here.
So I have good motivation to improve my results here.
Q. Do you like the American swing other than your results? I mean, have you enjoyed that part other than you haven't won as much as you like?
PETRA KVITOVA: Well, for me it's quite difficult to say. I like the Wimbledon, which is very calm, and here it's like more crowd and had big show.
I like big matches on the big stadium, too, but, I mean, the people, it's too much crowdy for myself, I think.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports