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August 30, 2013
A. RADWANSKA/A. Pavlyuchenkova
6‑4, 7‑6
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. She's obviously an opponent who could give you a hard time, a dangerous opponent. Are you happy with the way you have played today?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I'm very happy that I won another match in two sets. Of course it was tough, two tight sets. Actually the first one, and the second one, it was just by a couple points.
But definitely I played very good in the tiebreak. I was really focused from the beginning, and I just wanted to win the tiebreaker very much.
Q. Martina Hingis is playing doubles again. I was wondering if she was an example of a player with a little less power who was able to build points and compete at this level. Did you at all use her as a model?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, definitely. She was one of my idols. I watched her when I was a kid, and of course a lot of her matches. It was great to play against her as well on the tour when I was starting. I was like 17 or 18 years old, so it's always the great ‑‑ this huge step from seeing someone on TV and playing against them.
Q. Do you see similarities at all between yourself and her?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think so. We don't have powerful games or anything like that. Just mixing everything up always trying to find a way to win the point but not really bombing like others.
So, yeah, I think so.
Q. What do you think it is that separates, you know, the few women like you are really at the top of the game, that next level, players who can push you into tiebreakers and make you work a little harder on a big stage but don't usually pull off the win?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think, you know, every match is different story. Even if you play someone one week and then the next week, it's totally different match. Sometimes easy, sometimes you lose against the same person that you won the week before. Especially when it's different surface or different conditions.
So I think you can't really compare and say the names who are just easier and when it's tough.
Q. What do you think are the keys to your win today?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I was really focusing on the important moments, so either the game that I broke her in the end of the first set, and then I think the tiebreak.
And, well, she was definitely serving good, so when she was down at the games she was really serving good. I had a lot of break points, and then, you know, she, you know, always put the first serve.
Then, you know, when I won that serve, you know, it was great relief. I think I was break up in the second set, I guess, and it just goes away pretty quickly.
I think, you know, it's just good that I played tiebreak very good.
Q. You had great results in the Grand Slams this year. At this particular tournament you have not gone past the fourth round before. Do you find this to be "the" most difficult of the Grand Slams? And also, considering the results you have had, would not making it into the quarterfinals be a real disappointment for you this year?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, of course I will do everything to make the quarterfinal this year.
Well, I think, um, like I was saying before, the surface, I like the hard court and I really had great result on that surface. I think it's just something wrong here that I can't pass the fourth round (smiling).
This is another opportunity, so I will try my best.
Q. Do you expect more of yourself this year than you have in years past, considering the results you have had this year?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think so. I should. I mean, I'm third in the draw, so I think you are always expecting a lot, especially to be in the second week of a Grand Slams. So yes.
Q. Sara Errani was talking about feeling more pressure being bumped up a seeding. Do you feel anything like that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I mean, I think it doesn't really matter if you're third or fifth or sixth. I think this is ‑‑ we all like top 10, I think we all have, you know, kind of pressure, you know, to go deep in the draw or win the tournament.
So it's always, you know, a little pressure. But I just try not to think about it, because I think just go on court and play my game.
Q. She was saying yesterday that she's been having difficulty handling that pressure. Have you ever been in a situation where you feel the expectations are too high and that it becomes an added burden on you?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, sometimes there are some matches that I want so much, and then, you know, tight hand and you're not playing your best tennis.
But this is the way that you are too much, you know, because pressure and some expectation from other people. But, you know, since couple years I'm top 10 or top 5 now, and so like I was saying, it's always pressure, but I think we all have to, you know, try to find a way to handle it.
Just going on court and play, and doesn't matter if you play top 100 or top 10. I think just playing same game.
Q. How would you describe your game to a new tennis fan?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Um, hmm. Well, I think what I heard from other people is it's very entertaining, so maybe I will say that (smiling).
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