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September 2, 2013

Nicholas Thompson


Q.  Just some comments on the outside, starting the week, you're on your way to Chicago?
NICHOLAS THOMPSON:  I played well this week.  I had I sore neck and back today, but gutted it out.  I didn't play bad, just didn't play that good.  I had some chances that slipped by and lipped out.  But I hit a lot of good golf shots today.
I can take a lot of good this week.  Enjoy five or six days relaxing and resting up and getting ready for the next one so I can go out there and shoot as low as I can and try to get to The TOUR Championship.

Q.  How much was it on your mind this week, are you able to keep that out of your focus and concentrate on the task?
NICHOLAS THOMPSON:  It's in the back of your mind, but it's not like‑‑ it's not the end of the world.  I've got my card for next year.  I'm playing good.  I've had a good one year ago, getting married, we're having a kid, retained my card, I'm playing in the third FedExCup event.  Anybody that complains about that is just bad.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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