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August 7, 2013

Jerzy Janowicz


J. JANOWICZ/F. Dancevic
7‑6, 3‑6, 6‑4

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Somebody said all the points were decided by you; either you made or missed the shot.  Do you think that was accurate?
JERZY JANOWICZ:  Yeah, actually I think I can agree with that.  In my opinion this match depend on me mostly.  I didn't have a good day today.  Sometimes in your life you have bad moments, bad days.  Today I have that kind of moment.
Luckily I was able to win this match without my game.  I just played 5% of my game.  I'm not taking any credits from Dancevic because he was playing really nasty game.  I'm just talking about myself.
Today I felt really awful.  So luckily I was able to win.

Q.  You just said you felt awful.  You or because of the conditions?
JERZY JANOWICZ:  Because of me and also because of the conditions.  Today was really, really windy.  I don't really like these balls.  These Penn balls for me, a lot of players are complaining about these balls.  It's not easy to control these balls, is flying so much.
I'm surprised they change the ball from Head ATP.  For me was an unbelievable ball.  I hope I get used to and play my best tennis even with this ball and this wind.

Q.  You're playing against Nadal tomorrow.  Your thoughts on that?
JERZY JANOWICZ:  Nothing special, no?  I'll just enjoy this feeling.  I think a match against Rafael Nadal is really a nice match.  What I can say, no?  I will try my best.  I will just enjoy this feeling, central court against Nadal.  For sure even if I am going to lose this match, I will remember this moment.

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