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July 21, 2013
THE MODERATOR: Why were you wearing a Tiger Woods cap yesterday?
STEPHEN CURRY: I'm a Nike basketball athlete and the Tiger Woods' cap was in the package they sent me. And I'm a big Tiger Woods fan, so it was fun to wear.
I was pretty steady on the front. Hit almost every green. My putts, I wasn't able to make any of them. And then I kind of continued at a minimum until I hit 14 and hit it in the water, was able to save bogey with a nice long putt.
And after that I kind of got the chunks going on and didn't hit anything flush coming in. I didn't have any bad hole, wasn't able to score at all.
Q. Do you think that some sort of an unfamiliarity, fatigue kicked in, or what do you think it was that didn't go right for you down the stretch?
STEPHEN CURRY: That's a different experience. I knew I was in the hunt. I knew I had a chance to win in the last four holes. I made a couple of birdies coming in and I just hit a couple of bad shots off the tee wasn't able to get myself in position to make a putt. So I think it was a lot of that, not knowing what to expect nerves‑wise coming down the stretch and getting in my golf stamina. I have stamina on the basketball court but golf shape is different.
Q. So the experience overall, Michael Jordan used to say, when he was active, that he would win the tournament after he retired. But he said that after I retire from basketball, I will win this tournament. And it hasn't happened. Do you think you can win this tournament while you're an active player?
STEPHEN CURRY: I hope so. I think I showed I've got what it takes from a certain position. Obviously it takes a lot to win. A lot has to go right for you, but this is my second time here. So the more I play, the more comfortable I get, especially on Sunday. And it's just a great environment to play golf in. So hopefully I can win one day, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Q. Where was your dad the last couple of days?
STEPHEN CURRY: He was with my family, watching on TV.
Q. Have you talked to him yet today?
STEPHEN CURRY: No, not today. He was excited yesterday when I was at the top of the leaderboard. Watching it. Ragging on me before I played 18, but he was enjoying it.
Q. Any advice, any advice from him last night for you?
STEPHEN CURRY: Just trying to get some sleep. He knew I was going to be excited. But just try to get some sleep and enjoy the day and not get too nervous out there.
Q. So then last thing, the overall experience of being a contender here. I know you played it once before but now you've got the experience of contending. What was that like and what will you take from it so you can be better off the next time?
STEPHEN CURRY: Kind of control the nerves down the stretch. Every hole is important, which was a good feeling and I had some really good shots along the way to put myself in position to win. So enjoy that experience. And as a basketball player, just starting my career, it was a nice treat.
Q. Did you feel the pressure?
STEPHEN CURRY: For sure, a little bit. I tried to block it out, tried to stay calm. Especially on 17 I thought I had a good swing. But then I just chunked it. I still didn't have any major bad holes. I stayed away from the double bogey all tournament, which I was proud of that.
Q. Big picture, are you proud of yourself, then?
STEPHEN CURRY: No doubt. Fourth place. Honestly, I would say I have much time getting down the fundamentals of my golf swing over summer, just playing a lot, hopefully if I learn a couple of things along the way as I get older, I'll enjoy it even more.
Q. Did your wife walk with you today, Steph?
STEPHEN CURRY: On the backside she and my daughter came out.
Q. Did you feel the presence and the love and respect of the fans?
STEPHEN CURRY: Oh, no doubt. Warrior fans were everywhere. I appreciated that so much. Nice being on the West Coast, close by the Bay Area.
Q. Do you put the clubs away now, or do you keep going at it?
STEPHEN CURRY: I'm putting them away for a little bit, back to the East Coast, and gotta get back to work on the court. But I'll still play a couple more rounds before the summer's over with.
Q. You're pretty addicted to golf. I don't know if addicted is the right word, but does this make you even more excited about playing golf and improving?
STEPHEN CURRY: No doubt. I play golf all the time, you go out with your friends but in a tournament situation against some pretty good golfers and perform well and have a chance to win, top 5, that's pretty cool.
Q. So we can expect you back here next year?
STEPHEN CURRY: If they invite me I'm here, yes, sir.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports