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June 19, 2013

Bernard Tomic


B. TOMIC/J. Benneteau
6‑2, 5‑7, 7‑6

THE MODERATOR:  First question, please.

Q.  How was that?  Roller Coaster of a game.
BERNARD TOMIC:  It was.  I was up a lot.  Should have probably finished that match maybe 6‑2, 6‑2, but he did a good job to break back.  I lost some concentration in the second set, and it just shows you sometimes if you don't concentrate the match can turn around.
In the third set I was very, very, very lucky to get out of probably four or five break points that I faced.  So, you know, I was happy to win that match.

Q.  You served really well particularly in the first set.
BERNARD TOMIC:  Yeah, the first set I served really well.  He didn't find his rhythm the first few games until probably about 5‑2.  The first set he didn't find his rhythm.
So I was lucky to get that head start.  After, you know, I played well in the second early but lost my concentration.  You know, those matches like that you need to finish off, and it shows you what can happen.  In the third set I barely won that match by maybe one point I could have lost.
So, you know, obviously I have learned something today, as well, that I need to focus more when I'm winning, and that's an advantage to have is you've got to be able to focus at the right times.
Today I didn't focus at the right times, but I was lucky to win in the end.

Q.  Were you getting ahead of yourself sort of thing?
BERNARD TOMIC:  Yeah, I thought I won the match.  Took my foot off the pedal.  Then before you know it, you know, he's down, he goes for his shots, he's relaxed, and, you know, he breaks you and then he gets the firepower to play and from there he started playing ridiculous.
Some of the volleys he was making were probably some of the best I have ever seen, no doubt about it.  The guy can volley and he can play on grass.  I think he almost beat Roger last year on grass, too, up two sets to Love.
This guy is a very, very good grass court player.  You know, the first set ‑‑ being up a set and 4‑1, like I say, I should have won it comfortably, but I'm lucky.  Somehow I pulled it through in the end.

Q.  How was the leg today?  Was that an issue?
BERNARD TOMIC:  Yeah, today didn't feel it, which is good.  I felt it a little bit yesterday afternoon.  Playing a bit of golf, felt it, so I was like, oh, I had to stop the golf early.
Didn't know what it was, because maybe I was cold.  It was windy out there.  But today I didn't feel it, so it was good.

Q.  Yesterday and today, what does it mean for you going into next week?
BERNARD TOMIC:  A lot of confidence.  A match like this in the third set is huge to play, especially before a Grand Slam.
So I was very happy to win this match in the end, and, you know, tables turned.  Last week I lost 7‑6 in the third, 7‑4 in the tiebreak.  This week I won 7‑6 in the third.  Tennis is a messed‑up sport, I tell you.

Q.  First time you have won back‑to‑back matches I think since beginning of February.  So talk us through a little bit about that kind of streak.  Was it a confidence issue?  Was it physical?  Bad luck?
BERNARD TOMIC:  Well, with me it's ‑‑I don't know.  I mean, I got really sick after sort of Marseilles.  I got sick for about a week or two, lost my health there.
Couldn't play well at Indian Wells, and Miami was also not that good.  Had a bit of a problem there.  I was sick as well.
Start of the clay court‑‑ managed to play well in Davis Cup.  The clay court season played a bad match in Monte‑Carlo, ended up having a skin infection for about two weeks I was out.
Came to Madrid.  Obviously, you know, the issues there.  You know, from then didn't play a good match.  Roland Garros played very bad, had the injury.
So it's been a Roller Coaster, I tell you.  But now I'm happy I won these two matches, so it's a lot of confidence.  You know, tomorrow is a good opportunity whoever I play.  You know, I believe I can win.

Q.  Right now physically just with your leg and everything, rebounding from, you know, a long three‑setter, are you feeling okay?
BERNARD TOMIC:  Yeah, now I'm feeling okay.  You know, I thought the fitness wasn't going to be there and it's okay.  It's important to play these sort of matches regardless if you lose before a big tournament like Wimbledon.
I'm happy I'm getting some confidence.  You know, if I continue just playing a little bit more aggressive and, you know, continue to focus and, you know, tomorrow I can win, I believe I can win if I do those right things.
For sure, I can't afford to lose my concentration like today if I want to have the chance at winning tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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