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June 3, 2013
Q. The power play, obviously I don't know if I can say struggled, but went 0 for 4 in Game 1. Is there anything you changed or do you kind of just keep throwing it around the way you have been until you finally get one?
COACH BYLSMA: You look at the chances we did have and the two posts that we did hit. I think in a lot of ways you look at the power play not always in terms of goals, but your output and scoring chances and opportunities and I think we got some of those.
In the game, for various reasons, whether we were in the penalty box or because we were just tired, we had several different types of units out on the ice that we had to go with.
So it wasn't‑‑ with the exception of the first one, really didn't have our main number one power play unit out there together as a group.
So having said that, we like to score every time, but we got opportunities, we got situations, posts and second chances which you're looking for and then getting‑‑ obviously it would have been big to capitalize on one of those in this game to get a goal and to make it 1‑0 or even make it 1‑1 there. So it was a factor tonight, but I like the units we're going to put out there tonight and like what we're going to do.
Q. When you get this far into the Playoffs, seems like you have a string of 8:00 starts. It's a little bit different, you've had all kinds of different starts but it's a little different in that the morning skates are at the same time, so there's just extra time built in there. These are guys, maybe even coaches where routine is a big deal. What do you do with the extra hour, half an hour, guys, they take their skates, nap at certain times, is there any kind of distraction, did you make any exception for that?
COACH BYLSMA: We've played at a lot of different times, 8:00 is probably not one of them. We look at the noon, the one, the three, the five a lot. But 8:00's not one of those situations, but I think it's better to‑‑ easier to adjust to one more hour in your day and one less.
So I think the time after lunch, the time when you normally would eat, you may move that back up to adjust to the game time because I think that's a factor, when you get your meal and nutrition and it's better suited at certain times.
So that's really the adjustment the guys make. So it's more after the morning skate and waiting a period of time before you might normally eat, you wait a little bit longer. But other than that, I don't think it's a big adjustment.
Q. In round one, when you were talking about lining up changes in terms of philosophy, I think you discussed that a win and a loss doesn't necessarily make you want to do that; there's situations. How does that apply to goaltenders?
COACH BYLSMA: That's a fantastic question. I'm not sure it does. That's not a fantastic answer for you. I guess if you're not judging by a win or a loss, and really that's the case when it comes to judging your goaltender, it's not just a W or an L that dictates how a guy played in the game or what you may go with.
Q. Following that up, have you given any thought to a goaltender change based on play or just to give your team a jolt?
COACH BYLSMA: I watch the NHL Network. So I've heard it talked about, so yes.
Q. You've been giving it some thought?
COACH BYLSMA: Coaches think about a lot of things, lineup, players, schemes, so like I said, I heard people talk about an advantage, how that works, so it did cross my mind.
Q. If you go back to the last, say, 35 years, looking at the most gifted offensive teams, late'70, Canadiens, and the Islanders of the '80s, I could go through all those, but given the assets you have offensively, have you looked at any of those teams and sort of kind of sifted through for style of play, how to develop it, anything like that?
COACH BYLSMA: When you look at those teams, they weren't all that concerned about the number of goals the opposition got and that's something that couldn't be farther from where we want to play at while we've been able to get mass goals during the regular and postseason. It's not something we anticipate. We don't anticipate going out and scoring 4.16 goals against the Boston Bruins.
So we're not trying to exploit offense or go for offense at the sake of playing a run‑and‑gun game or chance for chance. We don't like the number of chances we gave up last game for the Bruins and don't like the opportunities we gave them. There was another two‑on‑one they had that they didn't get a shot on that we didn't like about our game.
So we're not looking to play an 8‑to‑6 game or a 7‑to‑5 game and hope we can outscore‑‑ I think the first team to score a goal is going to win this hockey game tonight. So when I look at those teams, I don't like the way they play defense.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports