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June 1, 2013
Q. 2‑under par, 70 in Round 2, the multiple starting Round 2. Why don't you talk about that, how that affected you?
KYLE STANLEY: Yeah, you know, I think we knew weather was coming, so I told myself we probably weren't going to get the round done. I was prepared for that. I played really solid yesterday. The wind was blowing pretty hard. I managed my game pretty well.
I'm hitting it well right now so the wind wasn't really affected my shots. And I made some putts and came out today and made a quick birdie. I played pretty good coming in, so I'm happy with where I'm at.
Q. Do you think the couple of holes you played this morning are a precursor to Round 3 for you?
KYLE STANLEY:  Yeah, I mean nothing is probably going to change between now and then. I'm really comfortable with my game and confident at the moment. I'm doing a lot of the right things. And my preparation has been really good. I've been working really hard. I'm going to draw on that and know that I came here really prepared. Now all I have to do is go do the fun part and play golf.
Q. What's kept you on top of the leaderboard for two rounds?
KYLE STANLEY: My putting. My putting has been pretty good. A lot of par testers from pretty much 12 feet and I've made most probably all of them. Those are the kind of putts that are going to keep your round going. And I made those. And I'm really comfortable on the greens and I'm putting well.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports