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May 30, 2013

Josh Teater


Q.  Josh you must be really happy with your round?
JOSH TEATER:  Yeah, I played really nicely.  My misses, you know, were in the right spots so I could save my pars.

Q.  That's good form coming in?
JOSH TEATER:  Yeah, I've been playing well all year.  I've had some good finishes.  I thought I was playing pretty well in Florida, and New Orleans, that stretch, just didn't get much out of it, with the par‑5s and things like that.  But I think I birdied three of the par‑5s.  Yeah, I was kind of expecting to play well.  The ball is kind of going where I'm looking and I'm rolling the putter well, so that should lead to good scores.

Q.  How is it playing out there with the conditions?
JOSH TEATER:  This morning it was really nice.  It was pretty calm.
The last four to five holes the wind kicked up a little bit and I think it's supposed to be that way the rest of the day and we'll see that tomorrow afternoon.  The greens are perfect, rolling great.  Put them in the right spots you can make some putts.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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