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May 27, 2013
Q. How can you slow the run in the post?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Well, you know, we have to do a better job on the ball. We have to be more active with our helps, and we have to double them at times.
Q. You seem hesitant‑‑ never been a big doubling team. Is that one of the adjustments we can expect to see in Game 4?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Maybe. It's not a situation‑‑ we're not going to double him every time he touches the ball. We'll look at some different things to see if we can break his rhythm some.
Q. Paul's level of offensive aggression wasn't as high last night. Was it them? Was it him?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I don't know if I agree it wasn't as high. I thought he was very aggressive. I thought he had eight assists, five turnovers. Which there's more situations where he's being assertive. He didn't have a great shooting night. And they were more dialed in to making him the focal point of their defensive plan. So I think you have to credit their defense.
13 points and eight assists is about 30 points worth of production. Similar to what LeBron put up, 22 points and three assists. So I thought it was a pretty even battle.
Q. Frank, from a defensive standpoint, they don't run a conventional pick‑and‑roll. How difficult is it when you have two guards running the (Indiscernible)?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: It's easy if you have somebody you can switch everything with. But when it's LeBron James, that makes it a little bit of a challenge.
So it's probably the most difficult offense to prepare for in the NBA today. That's a challenge we have ahead of us. I have great confidence in our ability to make up for the areas we were lacking last night.
Q. How do you get the guys not to overreact in the paint (Indiscernible)?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: We understand how they're scoring. And that's what we have to dial into and focus in on. Poor sand on the fire of the areas that they're getting their points in the paint.
Q. (Indiscernible)?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I have no idea. I hope so.
Q. What's your view on flopping?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I think it's well documented, I'm not for flopping.
Q. Not to lead you, but in the playoffs, have you noticed an issue with teams maybe getting away with flopping? Not a specific series, but in the playoffs?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I haven't noticed any flopping.
Q. Frank, Lance has been so big for you to this point, and yet he seems to have struggled. Is there anything in particular you're seeing?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Yeah. He has LeBron James on him. That's kind of the ultimate sign of respect, right? When they put LeBron on the guy they feel they need to take out of the game. They put him on LeBron‑‑ obviously LeBron is one of the best defenders in the world. And he's doing a good job on Lance. Lance has to continue to be assertive and find ways to make him work.
Q. All season and all postseason you've bounced back. Are you confident in that again?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Very confident. This is the first time this postseason we've trailed in a series. So we saw what Miami looked like with their backs against the wall in coming here, having lost home‑court advantage. Now it's our turn to come out and show what we look like with our backs against the wall.
Q. What was the thing you most didn't like about LeBron James in the post against your defense last night?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Well, you know, when we say we don't double the post, that never means that we leave the guy guarding LeBron James on a complete island like we did last night. It should never look like that.
We've got to definitely be more active in our gaps and in our seams and making him see more than one defender.
Q. During the game what adjustments were you trying to make when you saw what he was doing?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: We made some adjustments to the pick‑and‑rolls. Our activity level how we came after LeBron increased some, and we did double him a couple of times to get the ball out of his hands. But it's really‑‑ it's a five‑man approach even if you guard him straight up.
Q. Was it the strong‑side, or weak‑side rotations that were the most kind of lax last night?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I think it was a little of both. When they have sort of a four out, one in set and he's posting in the charge circle, then it becomes your weak‑side issues. When he's got the ball in a back‑down situation, then your strong‑side help has to be more active. .
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports