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May 26, 2013
Q. Talk about your round today.
KIRK TRIPLETT: I got off to a good start. I think the course was setup for some birdies on the front nine. Just wasn't able to carry it through. Struggled a little bit the last four or five holes and happy to shoot 3‑under, but needed to shoot six or seven.
Q. Overall, how would you characterize your play for the entire tournament?
KIRK TRIPLETT: Well it's a little sloppy. I hit enough good shots to do well, but I hit too many bad ones. So I made a lot of bogeys. Kind of drove the ball poorly when I needed to hit some good drives. But I putted well, so I'm looking forward to the next couple weeks.
Q. And overall how was the experience here this week?
KIRK TRIPLETT: Fabulous tournament. A nice golf course, great, lot of tradition, wonderful condition, beautiful setup with all the stand and all the people that were out watching. So it felt like 30 years ago.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports