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May 24, 2013
Q.  Frank, any meaningful alterations to the rotation? And also as a follow‑up, what are some of the keys to keeping Birdman under control in those little interior passes?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: No major changes through the rotation. Keep it similar to the way we've been doing towards the end of the New York series and in Game 1.
And you know, as far as Chris Andersen's finishes at the rim, it starts with containing the basketball in the perimeter. Whether it's one‑on‑one containment, or more importantly, their small blitz or small pick‑and‑roll attack, which we didn't handle very well and allowed for a lot of straight‑line drives at our five men.
Q. Frank, how much does it matter that even though the situation is different, given how Wednesday night ended as opposed to a Game 1 loss last year, you guys basically have been in this spot in this building before with pretty much largely the same team, or at least a lot of components from it? Does that help with the visualization going into it tonight that this is still very good for you guys?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Yeah, I think so. And the fact that we won here in Game 2 last year. That's what you are referring to? Yeah, I think it does. I think last year we felt we should have won Game 1. And we didn't and we came back and got Game 2.
Again, we've got a great deal of confidence that we can beat this basketball team. And we'll come out and approach tonight's game that way.
Q. You said yesterday next season you might use some zone defense. Is it impossible to do that during a series like this? Or is there just not enough time‑‑
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Probably. I'm very tempted, but it's probably not something I should toy around with, not having had a lot of time to work on it. And the way this series is set up playing every other day with the late games, there's not a lot of practice time. It's unlikely we would use it.
Q. Why the change of philosophy on that? What makes you consider that now?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: Just throughout the course of this year, you know, when there are situations when you have five three‑point shooters, it doesn't make sense to have Roy Hibbert chasing a three‑point shooter. It's impossible to really space five perimeter players with enough distance between them at the three‑point line where four can't guard five.
So it makes sense, in my mind, to keep Roy working from the nail and block ‑‑ the block area, around the charge circle and ask the other four guys to spread out to the five on the perimeter.
Q. Frank, last night Roy basically called Shane Battier a dirty player on Twitter. Are you concerned with plays like that? Or do you just feel those are part of the game?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I don't really put a lot of thought behind it, really. We're out to play clean, physical basketball. That's all I'm concerned with. It's how we play.
Q. Coach, last series Chicago got the first game and Heat won the second. They are scoring a lot. So I think it is kind of like a similar situation right now. What are you guys going to do to avoid being down two?
COACH FRANK VOGEL: I don't know‑‑ I don't know if you can really compare the Chicago Bulls to us. They're successful in their way, we're successful in our way. I think they're totally different scenarios, situations. Our focus is not on really what happened in that series, but just in winning this one game. That's really our only focus.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports