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May 24, 2013
Q. Talk about your round today.
KIRK TRIPLETT: I shot even par. Just scuffled around a little bit. Didn't drive the ball very well.
Made a couple birdies coming in though, so I feel a little bit better. But two good rounds on the weekend and it's kind of anybody's deal.
Q. You mentioned having a strong finish with two birdies in the final four holes. Will that carry over at all for you tomorrow?
KIRK TRIPLETT: Well right now, yeah, I'm going say yeah. But we'll find out tomorrow.
So, you always like to finish with some good scores and feel like you get some momentum going into the next day. But we have been doing it long enough that you know you got to play either way, right? Just because you birdied the last hole doesn't mean you're going to play great the next day; and just because you bogey the last hole doesn't mean you're going to play lousy.
Q. How do you feel about the course today?
KIRK TRIPLETT: It was dryer today. There was some difficult pins out there, I thought. Probably I thought it was a little more difficult today than it was yesterday.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports