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May 17, 2013

Gonzalo Fernandez Castano


Q.  You've beaten Brett to top your group, was it a little less pressurised knowing you were both going through anyway?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ‑CASTAÑO:  Yes, absolutely.  I think it was quite a relaxed match and you could also feel that Brett was a little tired after playing this morning.
So overall, I'm happy with the result, as you said, beating the group, it's not easy to do and I'm very happy with my two victories.

Q.  Five threes in a row from the 7th when you were all‑square, took you 4‑up; is that the importance of momentum, you get one, you can build on that success?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ‑CASTAÑO:  Yes, absolutely.  I think I made a key par putt on No. 8.  That's probably what kept me going.  And as you said, three 3s in a row, that's probably the most important stretch.
Same thing pretty much as I did yesterday but hopefully I can keep doing that and then not running out of steam as I seem to be doing on the last seven or six holes.

Q.  Seve Ballesteros is a great idol and hero of yours and he won this five times; is it inspiring to have him doing that?
GONZALO FERNANDEZ‑CASTAÑO:  Absolutely.  He used to hold the record with Gary Player with number of victories, and, well, until Ernie Els passed him.  But it was great.  Seve has always been a fantastic competitor, he loved match play, and this tournament is one of the best in the world, so hopefully we can keep the Spanish momentum.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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