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April 28, 2013

Thongchai Jaidee


Q.  6‑under today, you finish off with the best golf on the final day, you should be pretty pleased with how you played?
THONGCHAI JAIDEE:  I played very well all day, just putting this week, I think the course conditions are just fine.  Pin positions are going to be tough, and the course is hard to putt anyway.  You hit from the tee to the fairway, it's going to be quite easy to hit, depend on the weather, like yesterday going to be a hard day yesterday.
I play solid for both rounds.  Just putting a couple holes, we have so many 3‑putts this week.  I hit a lot of good shots, but nothing in, and yesterday, had a lot of missed putts yesterday.  Just putting, every year, the same thing.  The greens are really tricky here.
I enjoy my golf game right now.  Just keep my thinking about putting.  Today, really worked today.  Just only one 3‑putt on the third hole and after that, hit a lot of good shots, yeah.

Q.  But I think today's performance especially gives you a lot of confidence to get you closer to your next victory?
THONGCHAI JAIDEE:  I think so, but it's just‑‑ today is a very good day today.  The weather is good, warm, a little bit warm and easy to play golf today.  I enjoyed to play the tournament.  Just I think it gets‑‑ I think we are very confident, very well right now.  Just a case of getting the putting to work, my game will be better, yeah.

Q.  In the cold and windy conditions now to Indonesia next week where it's warm, do you think it's more suitable for you?
THONGCHAI JAIDEE:  I think I will enjoy and it will be better.  I prefer I think this kind of weather today, I love it.  Just a little bit sweaty today.  I think it gets about 20 degrees, 18 degrees, it's good to play golf next week.
Next week, I don't mind to play in warm or cold, depends on the conditions for the golf.  I love to play golf anyway.  Next week, I'll have a good chance if I'm putting well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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