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April 25, 2013
JOHAN EDFORS: I was really happy I came out of the block pretty good there on the front nine, 5‑under and played some really, really good golf. Then we had the fog delay there, and I didn't really sleep very much last night, so I was a bit tired when we started playing again to be honest.
Started off with a bad 3‑putt and then only managed to make one birdie coming in. So back nine, a bit disappointing, but overall, a really good start.
Q. And you still held it together nicely, even on that last hole which could have got a way from you?
JOHAN EDFORS: Yeah, I hit a really poor tee shot there and had to drop for the water hazard and took a bit of a gamble on my third shot, and pulled it off and hit it on to the green and made a 2‑putt for a par there. That was at least a nice way to finish.
Q. I apologise for overhearing a conversation last week, but I'm sure I heard you say that you played well back in Sweden and you thought your game is coming together; is that the case?
JOHAN EDFORS: Yeah, I have been playing, not that badly, poorly this year, but my scoring has been so poor. I'm maximising the highest score I could get each round it seems like. So it's nice to get one nine going really good today, so hopefully I can carry that on to the weekend.
Q. What is the story, why it's clicked, or is it just one of those things that it has today?
JOHAN EDFORS: I had a really tough year last year both on and off the golf course, so really struggled to keep my card at the end there. I've done my preparation really good this year. I've done all the practise and everything.
So I guess I've been wanting it a little bit too much, so need to be patient to make it happen and did that well today.
Q. Things are better off the course now, everything settled?
JOHAN EDFORS: Yeah, most of the things have settled down now yeah, so it's good.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports