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April 20, 2013
Q.  You've worked really hard over your career. I've watched you. You broke through in Tampa, now here you are with a chance to win tomorrow. How does that feel?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It's pretty cool. It's very rewarding. I put a ton into Augusta last week, and was disappointed with that finish. But I'm seeing the results of the fruits of that labor.
Q. Is there anything special you can put your finger on this year as opposed to all the work I've seen you put in the last couple of years?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I really have a vision of where I want my swing to be, and a real plan of what we're doing. Darren and I have worked extremely hard on putting things on paper, weekly, monthly, yearly, and looking long‑term. And all of a sudden little pitfalls that you go through aren't that big a deal.
Q. Actually you had the lead in Tampa, but you're going to be 3 behind I believe tomorrow going in. What can you glean from your victory in Tampa that may help you tomorrow?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I don't have much to lose. I'm going to see what the course can give us. I know it's going to be windy and difficult. You're going to pick some battles to attack. And hopefully I have an opportunity on the last nine tomorrow.
Q. It was one of those rounds that took a little while to come together.
KEVIN STREELMAN: I had a ton of good putts that didn't go in today, that was frustrating. But hopefully that's a little vision of what's going to happen tomorrow. Charley putted unbelievable today. To stay within three of him and maybe catch up to him tomorrow and have a shot at the back nine.
Q. This is that kind of golf course when anything can happen in the course of a round, really. Anything can happen on one swing. How hard is it to stay patient out there?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It is hard to stay patient, but that's what's fun about playing this golf course and this golf tournament tomorrow. I think with 25, 35‑mile‑an‑hour winds tomorrow it's going to be a bloodbath out here. Hopefully I can hold on and make some putts coming down the stretch.
Q. When you made the birdies at 13 or 14, did you look at the board and thinking, what do I have to do to get in that final group?
KEVIN STREELMAN: A little bit. I gave myself some nice opportunities. I hit really good putts at 15 and 16 and even on 18, and they just weren't falling in today. I feel good about my game and feel I have a chance tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports