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April 11, 2013

Larry Mize


Q.  How was it out there today?
LARRY MIZE:  It was good.

Q.  You had a good round going.
LARRY MIZE:  Well, thanks.  Just scrapped and clawed for everything I could.  You know, need to hit it a little bit better, but I really scored well today.  My short game saved me, so I got through it okay.

Q.  Can I ask you a short game question not related to this round?

Q.  Old grooves versus new grooves, did you notice any difference when you switched?  You're a really good short game guy.
LARRY MIZE:  Yeah, definitely the square grooves stopped the ball quicker, there's no question.  But even if they've gone back a little bit, they still stop it more than the old Vs it.  They're still better.

Q.  Did you have a period in which you had to adapt?
LARRY MIZE:  Yeah, you did.  I mean, a lot of it is from the rough because you're spinning it so much in the rough, you wouldn't hit the flier, and then around the green you could stop it a lot quicker, so you had some more shots you could hit.  It definitely makes a difference.

Q.  You had more shots you could hit with the square grooves?
LARRY MIZE:  Well, you could spin it.  You could spin it more, so sometimes the runner was harder‑‑ you had to adjust a little bit.  It was harder to hit the little runner, but it was easier to get the ball to stop.

Q.  Did you change your wedges?
LARRY MIZE:  Well, I have now.  The bounce is still the same.  The loft is just changed as the game has changed.  Everybody has gone to more loft.

Q.  But not because of the grooves?
LARRY MIZE:  Not because of square grooves, no.

Q.  Talk about your birdie there on 12.  Take me through what that was like.
LARRY MIZE:  Yeah, you know, I hit a nice 8‑iron in there just off the back fringe, but I was able to putt it, and Brian Gay gave me a good read on his putt and I was able to get that in there.  Any time you make a nice long putt out here, it's great, and it's always fun around Amen Corner.

Q.  Your 30th Masters, does it ever get old?
LARRY MIZE:  No, it doesn't.  The excitement is always here.  I'm nervous out there playing.  The competitor in you wants to play well, and this just‑‑ it's always exciting to be here.

Q.  Are you happy with today overall?
LARRY MIZE:  Overall I am.  I've got to hit it better tomorrow.  I think I only hit about eight greens today, and that puts a lot of pressure on your short game, and my short game came through today and saved me, but I need to play a little better tomorrow.  But I think I will.  I feel pretty good with it.

Q.  Do you play a little more focused now around the greens more than you would have‑‑
LARRY MIZE:  I know I'm hitting longer clubs.  You just have to have the mentality that it doesn't matter what club you hit into the green, just get on the green and give yourself a birdie putt.  You have that mentality.  I don't know if there's more focus on the short game but continue to work on it because you've got to have a good short game to play well around here.

Q.  What was it like working with Russell?
LARRY MIZE:  Oh, he was a great young man.  I just enjoy playing with him.  We talked about different things.  But I really enjoyed playing with him.  He's going to have a great career out here.  He's a good player and a good young man.

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