KENDRA GRAHAM: No, it was all one process, it was just one drop. It was just one drop.
RHONDA GLENN: They were saying on television she was going to take two drops.
KENDRA GRAHAM: No, it was one drop.
Q. I guess most of us would not understand how that could be, because you wouldn't know where she could take the second drop from. The drop from the monster board, how would you know that she had relief, that she could get relief if she never dropped in the first place?
KENDRA GRAHAM: But she had the intervention to begin with, from the monster board. So we have a decision that talks about an imbedded ball in an area of ground under repair. We have two situations. So in this case she had the intervention, to begin with. You take away what was built, if the port-a-johns weren't there, if you take away the port-a-johns, the monster board was still going to be there. So that's why you have to give her what she's going to get the relief from, the most relief from.
Q. So you don't take a drop and then once you drop then you see if you have the intervention?
KENDRA GRAHAM: In this case she had both. But because of where her nearest point of relief would have been, from the port-a-johns, from the fence, she would have still had intervention from the monster board. Her nearest point of relief, she was going to swing to the left. If she went to the right she would have had to go way, way around. So her nearest point of relief from the port-a-johns was going to be to the left. So she would still have had the monster board between herself and the hole.
Q. The trees could never have been in play, if she would have taken a first drop from the port-a-johns?
KENDRA GRAHAM: But she didn't take a first drop.
Q. Right, but if she had. Assume there's no monster board there, and she had to take a drop from the port-a-johns, could the trees have ever been in play on that first drop?
KENDRA GRAHAM: If she was going to play and stroke towards the hole?
Q. Yes.
KENDRA GRAHAM: I don't know, I have to go back and look at it.
Q. My question is, if we don't know if the trees would have been in play, if she never took that drop from the port-a-johns, then how could she get relief from the monster board, because technically she could drop so we can see if the monster board was in fact a problem.
KENDRA GRAHAM: But the monster board was a problem with where the ball originally lay.
Q. But if she dropped from the port-a-john and she dropped and it rolled behind a tree as Rhonda just indicated, the monster board situation would never have come up, right?
KENDRA GRAHAM: You're saying if she'd gotten behind a tree, and she couldn't have played towards the hole, or finish on a direct line to the hole?
Q. Right.
KENDRA GRAHAM: I guess the way I view it, and how I viewed it at the time, obviously, is that she was entitled to relief from the monster board, because of the fact that it interfered on her line to the hole with where her ball originally lay. Take the port-a-johns away.
Q. Take the port-a-johns away, yeah, but the port-a-johns are there, that's the problem. The port-a-johns were the first relief that she gets from, right?
KENDRA GRAHAM: She gave her relief from both at the same time is what I'm saying.
Q. Right. And all I'm saying is, I guess generally what we always do is we drop from the first incident, which would have been the port-a-john, and then after that drop if we have another issue, which is the monster board then we drop from the monster board, if we're entitled to relief. I'm asking if she would have been entitled if she had taken her relief from the port-a-johns only, and the question, would it have gone behind a tree, which have not allowed a relief.
KENDRA GRAHAM: Well, my feeling is since she had -- had interference from the monster board to begin with, she was entitled to relief from the monster board. That's why I didn't -- she had interference from both -- she's entitled to relief from both. So we took relief from the one that caused the most problem.
Q. So really the port-a-johns were never an issue?
KENDRA GRAHAM: Not an issue as far as this ruling goes, no. Because the ball was there, but to me the bigger thing we were dealing with was the intervention. So she was entitled to relief from that because of where her ball originally lay.
Q. Can I ask one other question? During the four days, were there any time penalties?
KENDRA GRAHAM: No, there were no penalties.
Q. Could you answer how the final group was almost an hour behind time and throughout the four days it was relatively slow out there and yet there were no time penalties given?
KENDRA GRAHAM: That is due to the difficulty of the golf course, and the waiting time. A lot of that time they spent waiting on tees, waiting in fairways. For instance, I'd have to go look today, because I'm not sure, but I know yesterday there was a ten minute wait on 6th tee, for instance. Today because of, again, the difficulty of the golf course, there was a wait on 5, because we had several players who made big numbers. So there weren't any -- there were groups that were timed today, but the last group alone, and I can get this information, because our rules officials keep track of it, they keep track of waits. So most of that time that they were so far behind was because they stood and waited. Now, I will tell you, I was surprised, yesterday the last group played in four hours and seven minutes. It was a big difference today. Usually Sundays are about the same length of time as Saturday, if not a little shorter, because the earlier groups are catching flights. So I was very, very surprised at how long it took to play today. But again, especially those last groups, nobody was out of position, they had just, through the course of the round, had quite a few waits. And that happened Thursday and Friday, also. But again, there were a lot of groups timed. And there were some warnings given, but nobody was penalized.
Q. Not to rehash it, but your decision, is that the only decision that could have been made or was at some point was your interpretation paramount to the decision that was made? I guess what I'm saying could it, for instance, could you have taken step-by-step -- the relief step-by-step, instead of deciding that because two -- you know what I mean?
KENDRA GRAHAM: I haven't talked to too many people about it, but the people I talked to about it said they would have done it the exact same way. I was talking to some of our rules officials, Barb Trammell and Sue Witters with the LPGA Tour, said they would have done it the exact same way.
RHONDA GLENN: Thank you so much, Kendra.
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