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March 12, 2013
7‑6, 6‑3
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Last time you played Nadia you lost to her, and now I was just wondering on your first set tiebreak, did that ever come through your mind?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, not really. You know, last time I lost to her, even though, you know, I think it was like 1 and 2 or 2 and 1, something like that, but the score doesn't really justify the match how it was, because I thought it was a really close match.
Today I was returning way better. You know, I got a lot of returns in. You know, we had a lot of rallies, but I felt like I was on top of most of them. That was nice.
Q. That was an important break back at 5‑1 the first set. Do you want to talk about that?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, definitely a very important break, otherwise I would have been down a set already.
But, you know, I stepped in. I was, Okay, I'm going to take it early on the second serve. I think she saw I stepped in and maybe wanted to overdo it a bit, and she made a couple of double faults which helped me.
At 5‑All, I served ‑‑I won the game, right? I won the game, and then, yeah, we had to fight it out in the tiebreaker.
Q. It seemed like you were hitting your forehand particularly well tonight. Is that just because you were just hitting it well, or was it tactical or...
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think I have been hitting my forehand well all the time.
Q. Just seemed like you were particularly amped up tonight more so than normal.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't know. I haven't thought about that.
Q. When you play at 8:30 at night, what are you doing all day while you wait?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I woke up at 9:15, and then I went for a run, 40‑minute run outside in the beautiful weather; I had some breakfast; chilled for a little bit; went back, had a little nap; talked to Rory; saw the Barcelona play; I had some lunch and sat with my parents; went up and had another little nap; and then packed my stuff and got ready to get here and had a longer warmup and then got ready for the match.
Not much else really you could do. I wish I could lie by the pool all the day and just chill, but that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea when you have play.
Q. Does it feel like the day goes by very slowly or did the hours pass?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: For me, I think they pass pretty quickly. I mean, I'm a good sleeper, so I think that helps. I can sleep any time, anywhere. Just as long as I can lie flat and as long as I have a decent pillow, I'm good to go.
So, you know, I think I'm lucky with that. Even when I play night matches I can sleep during the day and I have no problem with it.
Q. It's been two years since you played Victoria. A lot has happened for both of you since then. Talk about the matchup. She thinks she's improved obviously a great deal; she came to No. 1. She won a couple of slams; you have been doing your thing up and down. What do you see of the match?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: You know, I think I'm playing well. Victoria is obviously playing well. I'm looking forward to the match, and we just have to wait and see what happens.
Q. Going back to the match, second set, you called your coach. Do you want to share what happened?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I can't remember. (Smiling.)
Q. Both of you called, actually.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah. Um, I just think he gave me a few pointers, just a couple of situations, you know, how I should get out of them sometimes if I was in trouble. I think that was mostly what he came in to say.
Q. Sometimes when players call their coaches it seems like the player just sort of sits still. Is that maybe still sort of focused on the match and only half hearing what the coach is saying? Do you ever get that way, or are you actually really to ever completely listening?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, I listen. I just ‑‑I just want to focus on what he says and then take what I think is right and what I can do. I want to take that into the match. But it's difficult to start a conversation because you have so little time.
So, you know, you just need to listen and use what you think is good for that particular match. It's easier sometimes to look from the outside. Also when I watch tennis from the outside it's so easy. You know, sometimes it's nice to get those key pointers.
Q. I know you and Victoria used to play doubles together way back when. Pretty friendly for a while. Do you still see much of each other now?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: We did great in doubles. I think we won one tournament and were in the finals, as well.
I remember in Memphis the first time I think we both got wildcards there. We made the finals of Memphis. We lost to Stosur/Raymond. They were No. 1 in the world at that time. We had set points in the first set, I remember.
Unfortunately we lost that match, but that was good times. It's many years ago now. And then I think we won it the year after or two years later.
Yeah, we definitely have that. Yeah, I mean, I think Azarenka is a nice girl. You know, we maybe don't see each other as much as we did in the past, but, you know, we both have our thing and both do our thing.
You know, it's tough as well when you play. You know, you have different schedules. So you just want to make sure that you're 100% prepared for what you want to go and do out there.
Q. You talk a lot about wanting challenges, liking challenges, and all that. You have been improving. An important match coming against her?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: For me, it's just important that I keep playing well. You know, I don't really care who is on the other side, to be honest. I just ‑‑there is no matches more important, less important.
Of course there is, you know, if you play big matches and big courts. They're always important and you always want to win so for you it's important.
But to be honest, it's just another match. I have to play well to beat her. She needs to play well to beat me.
Q. But aren't you kind of interested, given her progress over the last couple of years that she's obviously gotten better than she was, No. 1, couple of slams, how good she is when you're seeing her ball?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I'm not really that interested, to be honest.  (Smiling.) I played most of the girls. I've played Serena, I've played Kvitova, I've played Vika, and so I know‑‑ you know, I know what I'm going into, and obviously she's playing well.
She has improved, like you said. I think she's improved, and in a few ways that has helped her a lot. Yeah, definitely need to bring my A game.
Q. When you talk about not spending as much time together, do you think that's just something that's inevitable when you have reached the higher parts of the game, that your world just becomes somewhat I guess more isolated or individual?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, you know, obviously you have a lot of things to do and there is a lot of requests for you. You know, everyone has different priorities. You know, I think our priorities are to try to prepare the best we can for the match, you know, and to play our best and to try to save or energy.
You know, for example, she's staying in the house this week, I'm staying in a house, and I like to just stay in as well when I don't play because you can play first match next day. So, you know, sometimes it's just nice just to be in your own little groove.
But, again, I think it depends from person to person.
Q. Rory said two weeks ago that he thought he was in good shape until he started jogging with you, and he could barely make it the first time. Do you remember that?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: He didn't make it. Let me just rephrase that: He didn't make it. (Laughter.)
Q.He wasn't just being humble?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: It was so funny. We went out running in Monaco. I have this round that I always do, but I was like, Oh, we're going to go to the gym afterwards, so I as like, Let's just run, make this little loop ‑ it takes maybe 25 minutes or something to make that ‑ and then let's run up to the country club after that.
So we make one round and then run to the country club and then we go to the gym and we can run back home. Perfect. Sounded like a great idea.
But it was quite hot out there, I have to say. But after 15 minutes I could really see, like, he was struggling out there. So we had made half of the loop, and then I can see‑‑ I was like, You know what? If you want you can run up to the gym. I will finish my round and then I will run up to the gym. Yeah, yeah, let's do that. That sounds like a good idea. (Laughing.)
Q. So he cut short?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, but that's a long time ago now. But I have to say he's extremely fast, so we made sprints up the hill on the way. I have to say, like on the first few meters he is extremely fast.
So, you know, I prefer to go long distance with him.
Q. Not a lot of endurance in golf then, I guess.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I have to say now we go running all the time. There's absolutely no problem. He loves the gym, loves to work out. He goes at least once a day, if not twice. He's in unbelievable shape.
So now, you know, when he's going to be in Miami, as well, we are going to go run every day, and there will be absolutely no problems with keeping up.
I still like to give him that story once in a while.
Q. You said you sprint up the hills?
Q. How far?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: It depends. For example, there is one ‑‑so he takes me on the first few meters, and then I overtake him after.
But like, there is a small hill from the beach up to the country club so we can do sprints there. But there is also a really long hill. It's a killer, and I do intervals up there. It's going from the harbor up to the casino.
Q. That's a long way?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: That's a long way.
Q. How long does it take you?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I used to do intervals. I need to make it within two minutes and five seconds. If I don't, it doesn't count.
So, yeah, six of those, and I'm telling you, you're dead. I thought I was going to throw up.
Especially in the summertime when it's extremely hot and it gets humid it's not fun. People stop halfway up, and, you know, they're resting.
Then there is a police officer always upstairs because ‑‑not to catch me in case I fall, but just to make sure like the traffic. He's standing there, and I just know it's usually two or three guys. It's the same guys always there.
They're looking at me like, Is she crazy? (Whistling, pointing to her head.) Something is not right up there. I go up and down, up and down.
Q. He's done that six times with you?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, we have never done that, actually. Yeah, he's very determined.
So I'm sure he could now. I'm sure he could, because he's in great shape, I have to say.
The improvement I have seen with his fitness is unbelievable. I mean, as I said, he's going to the gym at least once or twice a day, and I think he loves it. He loves it more than me, and I like to go to the gym.
Q. So you were a good motivation for him, because he wanted to keep in your condition, I would think.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I'm sure. I'm sure he sees me work out and go to the gym, and especially in the beginning he saw me but he wanted to go.
But now, even in my offseason, I'm like, Can you just rest for a second? I don't want to see the gym. I don't want to hear about the gym. I don't want to go run. I just want to relax.
It's like, No, but let's just go to the gym. I'm like don't you understand the word "relax"? Apparently not. I was like, You can go to the gym. I'll relax.
So but it's good fun. It's great that we can motivate each other. It's great that we can do so many things together, at that just makes it a lot of fun.
Q. What's the longest amount of time you spend on the driving range?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Me? Probably an hour and a half. It's a long time.
Because sometimes I go just with him. He goes and hits balls, and then I have my own pile of balls and I hit, as well.
Then, you know, it goes well for a while, and then once it starts going downhill I take a little break and watch him hit some balls. I think, That looks easy, I take a water and then I go back at it, and then I need a few pointers from his coach or caddy. It gets better again and then it gets worse. It's a frustrating game, but I really enjoy it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports