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March 7, 2013
Florida – 64
Arkansas – 59
THE MODERATOR: From Florida we have head coach Amanda Butler, January Miller, and Jaterra Bonds.
We'll take an opening comment from coach.
COACH BUTLER: Just really, really proud of our fight today. It was in question at some points in the ballgame, but ultimately we really dug our heels in and made the plays that we had to.
That last 12, 14 minutes of the ballgame I thought showed a lot of toughness. There was a lot of leadership out there on the floor. Just a tremendous amount of fight that is essential this time of year if you want to survive, especially in this league.
Arkansas is a great team. I know they're very disappointed, but they have absolutely nothing to hang their heads about. Those kids played hard. Tom coached a great game. It's a fantastic win for us.
JANUARY MILLER: Like coach said, I'm proud how we all played together, got this win. Arkansas was a tough team. It was good to get that win and go on to the next run.
Q. Jaterra.
JATERRA BONDS: I'm happy to be here, another chance to play them again.
They put up a great fight. During this time, it come down to who want it more. That's who going to win these games in this tournament.
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. January and Jaterra, how difficult is it, if any, to come back and play in back‑to‑back games or do you think it's an advantage to you?
JATERRA BONDS: I don't really see it as an advantage or disadvantage. Like I said, whoever wants to win more is going to win the game. Last year we had to play back‑to‑back games, Arkansas or Auburn, then play Kentucky, who presses the whole game.  You can't let fatigue be a factor. You have to trust the training you did all summer and prior to getting here to take over and give you confidence.
JANUARY MILLER: Like Jaterra said, playing them back‑to‑back, they know what we're going to do, we know what they're going to do. It's up to who hustles more and who wants to go to the next round. You just have to play your all.
Q. Amanda, do you as a coach like having a game under your belt like this or are you concerned more about the fatigue factor playing the next day?
COACH BUTLER: I think we've prepared for this all year. We put our schedule together, we went out and played at Thanksgiving in a tournament where we played three nights in a row, for this very reason, so it wouldn't be a factor for us, especially mentally.
I agree where Jaterra. At this point in the year, fatigue can't be in the mix. Your mental preparation is probably the toughest thing when you have to turn it around this quickly.
We've already experienced that and handled it quite well for a young team. I know we'll be up for the challenge and we're excited. We got a little momentum on how we're feeling about ourselves, how we rebounded the basketball tonight. I don't think it sways things one way or the other unless we think it does, and clearly we don't.
Q. Could you talk about the first game with Tennessee, an overtime game, could have gone either way. What kind of bearing might that have in terms of how your kids feel in a rematch?
COACH BUTLER: I think we take great confidence from that game. Like you said, it could have gone either way. I think we have great explanations at this point in our season for why it didn't go our way. We learned some tough lessons on that matchup. There was a lot of things we learned and drew confidence from. We had to play over half of the ballgame without Jennifer being an option on the floor. Jaterra's leadership was fantastic.
It gives us some familiarity that everybody has with one another at this point. But I'm going to just tail off of what Jaterra said. I think what happened before really doesn't have as much of a factor, as much of an impact.
Tomorrow will be about who is more ready, who has an expectation of winning, and who puts up the greatest fight.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports