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February 20, 2013
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you explain what the injury is and when it occurred?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah. I just have had a lot‑‑ I've just had some back problems the past couple weeks. It didn't get better. I thought it would get better as the week went on, but it didn't. I don't want to keep pushing it and make it worse.
Q. What happens now? How serious is it? Are you going to have to pull out of other tournaments?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, my next tournament is actually in Miami.
Q. So you have some time?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I have a lot of time. And I think that's good, to get back and to get better. I'll be fine.
Q. Have you been having treatment here to try to get ready to play?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I have been having treatment here as well as in Doha, and just the whole past two‑and‑a‑half weeks.
But, yeah. So it's getting better but it's not at a level where I can compete where I feel comfortable to not make it worse.
Q. I guess that's your concern is that if you get out there and have a tough match you could aggravate it to the point where you'd have to take time off or something like that?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Exactly. I mean, words ‑‑ exactly what you just said.
So, for me, I don't want to do that, and I think it will be a wise move actually not to do that.
Q. Did Vika's withdrawal yesterday perhaps influence...
SERENA WILLIAMS: No, not at all.
Q. This is the second time, third time that you have been confirmed for this tournament and it hasn't happened?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Isn't it? I feel terrible. I feel like that, so maybe three times, and maybe the next time will be a better time. Just horrible.
Q. Seemed like last week the back never came up, but was that bothering you as well in Doha?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, the whole time, as well as in Australia.
Q. Because you injured it in Australia?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, exactly. I had little to no time to get it better. So I'm just working on actually getting it better. So I just had to go back to back to back. Yeah.
Q. What kind of treatment will you be doing? Anything with more rehab?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Just a lot of rehab stuff, a lot of flexibility stuff, a lot, a lot of therapy and things of that nature.
Q. You're confident by Miami you'll be...
SERENA WILLIAMS: Oh, absolutely. I have no choice. So I figure like not only by then but hopefully sooner than that so I can start getting a really good training program going so I can get really, really fit and get ready for some other tournaments hopefully this year.
Q. There are a lot of younger girls like Vika, for example, are finding it difficult to keep up with the schedule. Being the oldest world No. 1 and being of a similar age to Roger, do you think you need to be perhaps more selective going forward?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I definitely think I will be more selective going forward, you know, playing maybe less tournaments but really doing well like I have tried to be in those events.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports