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February 12, 2013
6‑3, 6‑2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. That was a great game. How do you feel winning the first round that easily?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, I was quite happy with the way I played, because, you know, my opponent has already played a few matches here, you know, so she's been able to, you know, get in that match atmosphere.
Sometimes that's, you know, kind of a benefit. So I wanted to start really strong. I had a tough match against her in my previous encounter where I played three sets. You know, I really wanted to start better this time as opposed to last time.
Q. Were there any difficulties while playing?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: No. I thought I did, you know, many things well, especially considering that it's a first round. As the tournament goes on, you know, there are some things I'd like to improve and just be a little more consistent and quicker, but that's normal. I am pleased with how I started.
Q. I wasn't here for the previous presser, but I wonder if you know about the Diamond Trophy. Is that any extra motivation at all?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It is, just because I don't own a Diamond Trophy, so I think it would be nice to have something that's different and unique. You know, when I look at all the trophies, you certainly look at the ones that stand out and different from the other ones.
That would mean a lot.
Q. I remember you beat Garcia in 2011 during the French Open. Do you feel that her game has changed? Has she improved?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, I think she's an up‑and‑comer that's still making that transition from the juniors and on to the pros. It's one of the toughest getting your feet on the ground with the game itself, but I think we will be seeing her for many more years.
I think she played really well today, and she has a big game and many strengths in her game, which I think everyone saw today.
Yeah, I think she has a bright future ahead of her.
Q. I know you have been asked this question a lot about how do you feel about coming back to Doha, but I have seen your match and the crowd's reaction. It's no doubt you're the crowd favorite. How do you feel today coming back after quite some time?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It's nice to see so many people in the stands, especially for a first round. It's been, you know, they said five years since I have been here, which is quite a long time.
It's nice to see that welcome here. And, you know, when you have such great memories how you played here and the titles you have won, there is always something extra special when you go out on the court and compete in front of them because you want to repeat that success.
Q. Did you see the results of the last Grammy Awards?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I saw some pictures but not...
Q. No performances?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Not really, no. I saw a couple on YouTube.
Q. If you have to decide what was your song of the year, what would it be?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Oh, I love Adele, and I think her voice is incredible. She's so talented that I secretly want to be able to sing like her, especially when I karaoke with my friends.
Q. Which song? You can sing. Can you try?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I'm really good at singing Cher. I haven't mastered Adele yet. But it's fun. I enjoy it a lot.
Q. It will be my last question about music, but I was discussing with Laura Robson about One Direction, the British band. Do you like this band? And which member is your favorite?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I wouldn't say they're my favorite, but I don't turn it off when it's playing on the radio. I don't know.
I'm currently listening a lot to Florence and the Machine and Adele. I'm always listening to U2, as well. It's really inspiring. It pumps me up. Bon Iver, as well, a little bit. Kind of on the slow side these days.
Q. You haven't been here for a few years, but you have actually never ever lost a match here. Are you aware of that when you step on the court? Does it play with your mentality at all, knowing you haven't lost here?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I think it just makes it extra exciting because you know you had nice results and, you know, victories, obviously holding the trophy and getting to the end means a lot and doing it a couple of times.
But, you know, every match is new and it's unique. You know, I would love to keep that streak going.
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