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February 12, 2013
Q. Talk about last week after Pebble, just initial thoughts now about getting into the field?
FREDRIK JACOBSON: Yeah, it wasn't any of my goals to be honest. At that point I was just happy, I had had a long break, some back issues and to play some golf and get into tournament rhythm, and also get a little bit into the heat of things, that was really good. That's one thing that you can't really practice at home. You've got to put yourself in that situation.
So I was just excited about that. I didn't think at all about the Match Play at that point. I was just happy to be playing golf and focusing on doing well.
I'm really happy to be part of it now and get a chance to play a little more golf that week. You never know how much golf you get to play, but I know I'm going to get there and play some golf.
Q. When you have you thought about now that you're in, the kind of doors that this will open if you win the first couple matches; all of a sudden, you're in the Top‑50 in the world and that opens up Cadillac and majors.
FREDRIK JACOBSON: Yeah, every tournament, we have good fields out here. There's a lot of points to play for. So any week if you play well or have a really good week, you're going to make a jump.
Obviously a week where you're getting a chance to play it's going to make a difference; it's another opportunity. It's a good time in the year for me to get to play quite a bit of golf and then I get to go home the following week and play at Honda back home.
So I'm getting a stretch of tournaments, and if I can keep staying healthy and just get to work, it's really nice to hopefully after this West Coast Swing, feel like I've really been playing for a while.
Q. Thoughts on going to Arizona and playing there?
FREDRIK JACOBSON: Yeah, I made up my mind when I did see Monday morning that I had become the first alternate, so I decided already to go out there and take the family and see what was happening.
So I had already scheduled the trip and all that, so that's nice. I'm excited to come back, I was there a few years before last year, and any of these tournaments, the WGCs, the majors; if you're on the bubble for them, you want to get some kind of rhythm where you get to play a lot of them and get accustomed to the courses.
Q. How do you like match play?
FREDRIK JACOBSON: I like it. It's always fun. Anything can happen, we know that. It can be a quick exit or you can be there for a long time. It's not exactly like a stroke‑play tournament where you have a couple of days to find a rhythm and get in and put yourself in position. Straight from hole No. 1, you have to be on your game.
So I like it that way. It's not something I would want to play every week, because it is kind of different. I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be good to get back there.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports