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January 31, 2013
JIM "BONES" MACKAY:  Not that I would know, but I would think a little bit like a baseball pitcher pitching a no‑hitter. I'm handing him the putter and just totally getting away from him.
Q. What was your feeling when he leaves it in the jar on the 17th hole and the rim on the last hole?
JIM "BONES" MACKAY:  Well, you know, it was a tough read that he got absolutely right, just didn't get down the hill. It was going towards the valley. I think we both thought it would be faster. And then on 9 he could not have hit a better putt. I saw it was‑‑ some serious action going up there, and then I saw out of the corner of my eye kind of moving towards the hole, and I know it's got a good chance, and obviously the golf gods giveth and they taketh away, so there you have it.
Q. What was different about his game today?
JIM "BONES" MACKAY:  Well, he's always been a guy, he takes sometimes a few days to knock the rust off. He took a couple weeks off, he got sick right before he came out for the Hope. So Butch came to down yesterday, and it was a matter of time before he started getting something going.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports