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January 16, 2013
A. KERBER/L. Hradecka
6‑3, 6‑1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How was that? Looked pretty methodical and straightforward for you. Happy with the win?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Yes, it was very hot today than the last match I played; was not so windy out there. But she's a tough opponent, and you need to be ready for the whole match, because she's playing the ball very hard and deep in the court.
So I was just try moving very good and just play my game. Yeah, I'm happy that I won the match in two sets.
Q. Obviously we saw you last year have a big breakthrough into the top 10. Got couple of your first two big singles wins. Your thoughts on this year, this Open, what you can do here?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: I just look from round to round.
I think the second week will be a good thing, but, I mean, it's the first Grand Slam and every player plays very well.
I will just give my best, and we will see how far we will go.
Q. How much confidence did last year give you in terms of, you know, just overall with your career? You must come into this year feeling very strong and upbeat about what you can do.
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Of course I have a lot of confidence also from the last year.
I beat a lot of good players and reached the top 10, top 5. I'm just enjoy to be there where I am right now, and just having fun also on the court and off‑site.
Yeah, of course, I have a lot of confidence.
Q. Have you looked ahead to your next match?
ANGELIQUE KERBER: Not yet because they are playing I think next round, so I don't know who I will play yet. Yeah.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports