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January 16, 2013

Gary Player

Nancy Scranton

Bo Van Pelt


BO VAN PELT:  Thank you.  On behalf of the PGA TOUR players, I want to thank the Humana Challenge and the Clinton Foundation.  We're very excited.  We're excited about the Walk Like a Pro.  The 12,000 steps I took last year, maybe that calculates to too many shots last year.  So hopefully I'll have a few less steps, a few more birdies.
So it's exciting.  I remember three years ago when I started my relationship with Humana, we talked about how golf is very unique in the sporting world and the fans, it's the one sport where they can actually walk and exercise while they're getting to watch the sporting event.  And I felt like it was a great opportunity and Humana kind of seized on that.
So to capture that with their vision of health and wellness going forward and how it can benefit all of us, it's just a great organization to be part of, and I think we're just getting started.
I know that, for me, the last three or four years my golf game has gotten better the better that I've taken care of myself off the golf course.  And I think that that can happen to anybody.
I think that some people get intimidated.  They think, I haven't exercised in so many years, I'm intimidated to go into the gym, I'm embarrassed.  Everybody can get out and walk.  They can go in front of their house or the mall and just those little steps can lead to bigger and bigger steps.
I think it's going to be exciting for people to watch on TV and as the year goes through.  So, track the leaderboard, track the steps that people are taking, and really see what impact that can have on how many calories you can actually burn by just getting out and walking.
So, again, on behalf of the PGA TOUR, I want to thank everybody for coming out and supporting Humana and the Clinton Foundation and the Desert Charities.  Thank you.
NANCY SCRANTON:  Thank you very much for having me here.  I'm really excited to be out here at PGA West and I want to thank Humana for keeping me involved and letting me share my passion for the healthy life‑style and golf.
I don't play full‑time anymore on the LPGA Tour, I play on what's called our Legends TOUR, 45 and over.  You don't have to be 50 to be on our TOUR.
But I don't play that much anymore, so my goal is a little bit different.  And I try to just stay healthy, but when I do that, while I'm physically able to do that, I don't have to spend hours and hours in the gym like Bo was talking about.  You get out and you use your everyday life and you make good choices.  It's really easy.  It's just a life‑style.  You take the stairs instead of the elevator.  You park further away from the store where you're going.  It's just an easy process that you build into your life‑style.
And I think that that's helped me to be able to go out and play when I do have events.  I'm the mother of 8 year old twins, so that keeps me busy.
Another thing I do is I play with the kids.  That's my exercise.  I do go to the gym some, but I don't do it a lot.  I took up tennis, I play tennis.  There's just so many different ways to get in shape and to lead a healthy life‑style and you feel better.  And the better you feel, the more you want to do it.  I just think Humana's done a great job, combining with the Clinton Foundation, to really get that word out, and to show people ‑‑ how many sports can you go to and get exercise while you're watching, like Bo said.  It's a perfect fit.
And look at these guys out here.  Who says golfers aren't athletes.  I mean, look at them.  And over the years it's become more evident that the better physical shape you are, the better golf you play, mentally and physically.  It's such a unique event here, I think that it's got a lot of awareness and I think a lot of other events are kind of taking the lead and showing how it can be beneficial to everyone and not just for the players, who obviously appreciate their health.
But it's really an honor to be here and to get the word out.  And hopefully everyone takes something from this and incorporates it in their life style.
GARY PLAYER:  Thank you for the nice welcome, ladies and gentlemen.  First of all, Bruce, I would just like it say, it's nice to be associated with a company where the leader does something and doesn't just talk about it.  And for you to have lost 55 pounds, what an example.  And there's no better way to lead than by example.  So congratulations to you.
This is one of the most exciting contracts.  I've been around a long time now and I endorsed a lot of different things throughout my career, but I would say this is probably, in my opinion, the most important contract that I've had, for the simple reason that you're involved in saving people's lives.
What is the most cherished thing you have in your life?  It's your life.  And to me this is the most, single most important tournament on the TOUR.
If I was a professional golfer, I would make it my business to play here this week.  Because you are helping to get a message through to a country that really needs the message.  The greatest country in the world, the UnitedStates, 30 percent of the youth are obese.  55 percent of the grownups are obese.  Obesity is doing more harm than the wars of the world, because so many people, through obesity‑related diseases, are dying by the millions.  Not by the thousands, by the millions.  And so a tournament like this helps to build awareness.
And thank goodness for the media, which I really appreciate.  As a professional athlete, I could not do it without the media.  I see professional athletes in all sports avoiding the media.  They're crazy.
You're representing companies, they're asking you to represent them to get the media.  I look for them.  So I say thank you to the media for helping making awareness in this great country.  It is just so, so important.
I've been exercising now for 68 years.  Yesterday morning I did over a thousand sit‑ups, and all my weight training.  And I've traveled so much, probably more than any human being that's ever lived, now for 60 years.  And I've been into the villages of African, India, and around the world and have met very prominent people, people that have existed on longevity.  They're 90 and over.
And I've always asked them the secret.  And the conclusion I've came to was, the less you eat, the longer you live.  Everybody eats like it's their last supper.  You got to make sure that you don't overeat and under exercise.
And this tournament, where they're making you aware of the benefits of walking, you don't have to go to the gym and work out like we do.  Look at Nancy, she says she doesn't go to the gym, I would like to give her a blood test, she doesn't look 45 to me.  She looks way underneath that.
So you got to walk, you just got to eat less, cut out all the stuff you're eating, don't make it a habit.  Don't eat all these fatty foods, eat more vegetables and more fruit and salad.  And make sure you walk.  Get off your butt and do some walking and I'll guarantee you you'll lose 30 pounds in one year.
With Humana, this great company, President Clinton, who is one of the most warm individuals I've ever met in my life, I spent 15 minutes with him last night, he really is a man who has love in his heart and cares about people.
And so the combination of Humana and then President Clinton, PGA members like Bo and Nancy and a host of others, plus dedicated people that, we need you to really make a concerted effort to get this message across.  Thank you very much for attending this morning.  We appreciate it and do it.

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