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November 15, 2012

Miguel Angel Jimenez


PAUL SYMES:テつ Thanks for joining us.テつ Perhaps disappointed to finish with a couple of bogeys, but other than that, you have to be very pleased with how you played.
MIGUEL テδ¨GEL JIMテ窶ーNEZ:テつ Yeah, I played very solid all day long from green‑to‑tee, especially on the greens.テつ I'm putting very well.テつ Made a lot of putts.テつ Playing very solid, like I say.テつ It's a pity that I missed a fairway on the 9th hole and then I had to lay up and I missed a three‑metre putt.
Then on the last hole, I got a big flyer, and that is the defence of the golf course, when you miss the fairway and go in the rough.テつ I made a bogey there.テつ But that's it.テつ Seven birdies, two bogeys to finish is the only thing, not very nice.
PAUL SYMES:テつ And nice to play with one of your oldest friends, Jose Maria.
MIGUEL テδ¨GEL JIMテ窶ーNEZ:テつ Nice to play with Olazテδ。bal.テつ He played very well.テつ He finished 4‑under par, and it's nice, very nice on the golf course.

Q.テつ What is it about you and Fanling?
MIGUEL テδ¨GEL JIMテ窶ーNEZ:テつ Well, I like the place.テつ The first time I came here in 2004, I won the tournament here and then I won three years later in 2007 also.テつ I like it.テつ It's an old‑fashioned golf course, it's not very long, but I need to be very precise, because if you miss the fairways, you're going to have flyers and the greens are fast, which that's what we have in this part of the world.テつ
The golf course is an old‑fashioned golf course and it's a great golf course.テつ I like it very much.

Q.テつ Is it playing the same as it has done in previous years?
MIGUEL テδ¨GEL JIMテ窶ーNEZ:テつ Very similar, very similar.テつ Sometimes you get a little bit faster, a little bit slower, but it's about the same.テつ The conditions looks very similar.テつ It's very good.

Q. テつStill buzzing from The Ryder Cup?テつ How was The Ryder Cup experience for you?
MIGUEL テδ¨GEL JIMテ窶ーNEZ:テつ Well, it's another one very nice.テつ I've been playing four times and two times as vice captain, and I enjoyed myself very much on The Ryder Cup.テつ You know, it's the event of events, and it's nice to be part of the Ryder Cup; it's always nice, and the experience that you were there, the joy, everything.テつ Everything around it made you feel nice.テつ And now the past couple of months, it's over, and when you look back, a smile is on your face, but now you have to keep going.テつ It's nice.
PAUL SYMES:テつ Thank you.

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