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November 1, 2012
Q. Did you have any trouble getting to New York? Were there any problems with your travel with the storm?
MOSES MOSOP: Well, it's not like we're going straight to New York. We couldn't get any‑‑ we went on a flight to London, and then from London to New York, no flight. So we have to call our manager to do something for us. Still no flight. Then we called the manager, and then the manager told to us you have to go to London, London to Boston, and then Boston to New York.
Q. When were you supposed to arrive in New York?
MOSES MOSOP: Yesterday, yesterday around maybe 1:00. But we arrived at 10:00 at night.
Q. I know you said your fitness isn't as good as you'd like, but looking ahead to the future, you're still pretty young. What do you want to do in the marathon or in the sport? What is your number one goal?
MOSES MOSOP: In my mind, things going forward, all I'm worried about is my legs giving me all kinds of problems. All my life I wanted to run the best time in the marathon, because my main goal is world record.
Q. How do you feel coming into this marathon compared to your last few? Are you further along?
MOSES MOSOP: This time I would say is like Chicago. (Inaudible).
Q. Did you not go back to Chicago because of your leg, you weren't ready?
MOSES MOSOP: Yes, because I didn't go to Chicago because my training was slipping, so I said, it's better to wait for New York when my training is better. That's why I wait for New York.
Q. Is it the right or left leg?
MOSES MOSOP: The left one.
Q. Where on the leg?
MOSES MOSOP: My calf, tendon.
Q. Achilles?
Q. How bad is it now?
MOSES MOSOP: Now not bad.
Q. Have you done long training runs, like 30 kilometers at pace or anything?
MOSES MOSOP: Yes, I was doing long runs, 40K, 38K, 35, then 30 and then 25, with some speed work.
Q. Can you talk about missing out on London this summer, and was that upsetting for you to not be there at the Olympics?
MOSES MOSOP: Yes, it was sad because I was preparing to go there for the Olympics, and then I didn't make it. The next is 2016.
Q. Were you surprised by the decision to not be able to represent Kenya?
MOSES MOSOP: Yes, I was, because I was expecting to go from Kenya. I got a call and then I knew.
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