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November 1, 2012
Q. It seemed like there were a lot of turns right in the last mile or so, as they got into downtown there were a lot of turns the last mile.
Q. And that race finished inside; is that the only race you've ever done that finished inside?
WILSON KIPSANG: Yeah, I think that's the only race that finished inside the house.
Q. As far as the Olympics go, I know that you took the lead‑‑ where did you take the lead, do you remember?
WILSON KIPSANG: It was like 12 kilometers.
Q. And most of those caliber of races of those fields are where people don't try and break away early. What was your thinking?
WILSON KIPSANG: It was a bit early, but I think, despite it was a bit early, the pace was very slow, so I just wanted to try to break the group. So I was trying to wait for the race to come, but then I decided to do it early, set my own pace and try to run.
Q. Did you guys know much about Steve? I know he supposedly did some training in Kenya. Did you know him?
WILSON KIPSANG: Yeah, sometimes he was training in Kenya, and then he was in some out areas, so we knew that he trained in really hot conditions. But we did not really know the shape he was. He really surprised us.
Q. And you recognized him right away when he passed?
WILSON KIPSANG: Yeah, I knew him.
Q. This will be your third hard marathon of the year. How do you‑‑ is this the first time you've run three tough marathons in one year?
WILSON KIPSANG: Yeah, this is my first time.
Q. And do you feel at all tired after having done two?
WILSON KIPSANG: Not really. Of course the first were not really fast.
Q. Is this your first time in New York?
Q.  Have you done many marathons that we would consider up‑and‑down, kind of hilly marathons?
WILSON KIPSANG: Not really. (Inaudible). I think it was more hilly but not very much.
Q. Did you watch Geoffrey and Emmanuel here last year?
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports