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October 25, 2012

Kevin Na


CHRIS REIMER:  Talk about being out there, playing this course, first round, thoughts in general.
KEVIN NA:  Course was there for the taking.  I played really good on the front, shot 4‑under, and then I parred the whole back nine.  The greens are really tricky.  I'm having a tough time reading these greens.
Pat and I both really had trouble reading these greens.  We'd be on a similar line, one slows down and takes the grain, one of them doesn't.  It was really confusing.  But overall I hit it really solid.
CHRIS REIMER:  You won in Malaysia 10 years ago.  Talk about looking back at that victory now, what it was like then and maybe how golf has changed in the last decade.
KEVIN NA:  I mean, that's what started my career.  I mean, it opened a lot of doors for me, gave me a bunch of chances to play worldwide events, European Tour, got me in the World Championship.  So it was a good stepping‑stone for me.
Thinking about it back then, it was‑‑ it couldn't have come at a much better time.  It was perfect timing.  I was really happy, and here I am 10 years later in Malaysia.
CHRIS REIMER:  Talk about the landscape of golf or how these events have changed.
KEVIN NA:  Yeah, I remember playing this golf course‑‑ I know we're playing a few tees up, but I remember playing this golf course when I was 19.  We had a European Tour event out here.  Felt like it played a lot longer.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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