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August 16, 2012
A. RADWANSKA/S. Stephens
6‑1, 4‑6, 6‑4
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. That was not necessarily a very pretty match for most of it, but you managed to get through.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah. Well, I think it's still hard for me to like good tennis on hard court. I think I still need couple more matches and few days to adjust for the surface.
Of course the match could be much better and everything, but I'm just happy that I could close it. No matter what, I was just fighting till the end and trying, trying, and it was worth it.
Q. Especially in the third set it looked like you weren't putting much on the ball. Is that because of the conditions and the wind?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, it was very hard conditions, especially it was so hot and windy. I just felt I think that this court was slower than the center and the ball didn't go at all nowhere.
So I was really struggling to finish the ball. I was hitting as much as I could, but it just was hard to make the winners there. Yeah.
Q. What do you think the difference was for you? You were I think tide at 3 in the last set, and then you obviously went ahead. Can you talk about what you did there and how you hung on?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: It was very tight match. I had also some chances in the second set. I just think couple stupid mistakes, and I lost the set.
In this third set, it was also we had a lot of breaks; pretty much serve and return was the same weapon for both of us. Of course I think the most important game was when it was 4‑3 and I was serving for 5‑3.
I think it was the key for this match and long game. And I think, you know, I was just better for a couple points in this match.
Q. What impressed you or what do you think of Sloane's game?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think I never play her before, so it's always more difficult when you don't know the person you're playing.
Well, she's very young and very talented. I think, you know, she can really play good tennis. Of course, she was playing good today. I think she likes hard court. She was playing at home. It always helps.
But for sure she can be really tough opponent in the future, yeah.
Q. Did you kind of notice her movement ‑ she's a pretty good mover on the court ‑ or the power? For someone relatively small she has big power.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, definitely. She was moving really well and running a lot the whole match.
That's why I was also really in trouble just to finish the point. Also serving good, sometimes very fast, and then the kick. She was mixing up everything.
She's really playing smart tennis.
Q. You played a lot of doubles throughout your career, especially for someone who has been high ranked in singles. As you're trying to push to the very top of the singles rankings, are you going to play as much doubles, do you think?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest, for sure I'm going to play less than I played till now. Sometimes it's too much. I love doubles and I would like to play, but my body says no. Too much.
Of course I will play in the big events, the Grand Slams and in the tournaments when it's two weeks and can you have some days off and you can rest.
But, yeah, for sure, I was playing much more before. I think my ranking was 16 in doubles, so it was not bad. But actually at that moment when I'm really playing good in singles, doubles is just too much.
Q. Talking about being able to play the big tournaments, after the Olympics, which was best‑of‑three for both the men and the women at the Olympics, there was some talk about maybe having the men play best‑of‑three at Grand Slams as well instead of best‑of‑five? What would you think about that change?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I don't know. It's men's tour. So I think I should not really comment that. I don't know what the guys are thinking if they want to play long matches or shorter ones. I don't know.
But, you know, I think for the fans it's always I think very exciting to play five‑set match. I always love to watch the fifth set myself. (Smiling.)
Yeah, well, it's always the good and bad side, right.
Q. Do you ever hear from fans that you look different when they watch you live as compared to on TV?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, they always say when they see me live, Oh, my God, you're so skinny. On TV you just look so big. I'm like, Well, okay. I take this is a compliment. Thank you. (Smiling.)
Q. What is your schedule looking like following the US Open for the rest of the year and before the year‑end Championships?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, you have the US Open, and then I think I'm just gonna play Tokyo, Beijing, and Champs. Not that much, so not that much to go.
Q. You have a unique game that people like to watch on the WTA Tour. Who do you like to watch on the men's tour?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Men's tour? Um, pretty much everyone. But I think Murray is a very talented player, and he is playing really great tennis also last couple of months.
Of course Roger and Rafa. This match against those two players, they are always amazing matches. I really love to watch them, especially when they are playing finals.
Also I think Djokovic is amazing player. I think especially when they are so long matches and he can really play the same great tennis beginning of the match and also in the last couple of games. He seems like he's not even getting tired.
You know, I think now on the men's tour a lot of amazing players.
Q. A polish fan described your game as Andy Murray in a skirt. Have you heard that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, I heard about that. Yes, for sure is nice compare.
Q. How do you like the way you look in tennis pictures?
Q. Tennis photographs. How do you like the way you look?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I always have some weird face, especially when I'm hitting the ball. But I think, you know, it's tennis. It's sports. You always look different.
Especially depends where you play, how is the weather. Especially it's the big different, and you can see that on the picture when it's the first set and you're still fresh and kind of like, you know, you have all the ‑‑╩and then in the third set it's kind of like you can see the tired on the face and some different color.
You know, this is for sure the huge difference.
Q. You mentioned you're going to play New Haven. How much preparation does that give you playing the week directly before a Grand Slam? A lot of the guys obviously they've got best‑of‑five and they don't play, the top guys, but yet the women play the immediate week before. Can you take me through what that means in terms of your Grand Slam preparation?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think, you know, the grass is different, and especially now because of the Olympics we didn't play that much on hard courts, so that's why I decide to play New Haven, as well.
I think I need more matches on hard court, especially I'm not really playing my best tennis right now. So I still want to play more on hard court.
But I understand guys that, you know, they're playing longer matches and they don't want to really play before Grand Slam. This is understandable for sure.
Q. Were you paying attention to your sister's match against Serena?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes, I was watching. I think they play so much against each other last couple weeks. It's third time. My sister was like, Why I always have to play Serena? The draw is so big, and it's always Serena.
I was like, Yeah, there is really no way to really change that.
Q. What was your assessment of the match when you were watching it?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I mean, she was really playing great tennis here this week, and it was her fifth match. And especially in this condition it's a lot. Sometimes the fifth match is the final, so for sure she wasn't that fresh.
I think she was still playing great tennis. Well, you know, losing against Serena, it's I think, you know, it's just good experience even. I think, you know I don't know. I don't know what she's gonna say after the match, but I think she really play well.
Q. You talked about doing everything in your power to get to No. 1. Have you done the calculation to see how many points you need to get to No. 1, things like that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Not really. I know that it's not really huge difference between us there on top. But how many points I have to get to be No. 1, I don't know.
THE MODERATOR: You have to win Cincinnati and New Haven and then you go into the US Open as No. 1.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Oh, okay. Still a couple matches to go though.
Q. You said your game isn't exactly where you want it to be. What are you looking to work on this week to get it to where you want it to be on hard courts?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think every match is just great practice, but I think especially when you going from grass it's just different bounce. I think this is the key to play different tennis, different bouncing. You have to move different than on grass.
So pretty much everything really change, but that's why just want to have some more matches, and hoping every match I will move better.
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