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August 10, 2012

Francesco Molinari


Q.  Talk about the conditions and how you played.
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  Well, the conditions are obviously very, very tough, much tougher than yesterday.  It was blowing very hard since we got here this morning, and I had a poor start but starting out the first four holes are really tough into the wind.  I played well after that.  It was obviously really hard to hit greens and hit fairways, but I managed to make a few birdies, so quite happy with the round.

Q.  Do you feel like as the day goes on your score might look better and better?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  I think so, unless a storm comes and they suspend and maybe the wind drops or something like that.  But if it keeps blowing like this, I think it's going to look better at the end of the day.  As I said, I shot 2‑under yesterday and 3‑over today, seems like a similar score to be honest with you.

Q.  Are you happy with your position now?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  Yeah, good.  Yesterday obviously played a lot easier as I said, but after two rounds, being 1‑over, close to par, is pretty good.  I'm sure that, as I said, if it keeps blowing like this this afternoon, the scores are going to go only one way.  It's good to be in the clubhouse 1‑over.  It's obviously not going to be leading but it's going to be a decent position.

Q.  What did you make of the golf course?  It's quite distinctive, isn't it?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  Yeah, it is.  Some of the flags today were really tough.  It's not easy, depends a lot on the wind.  Yesterday you could be a lot more aggressive and go for the flags.  Today you need to be careful sometimes and just play away from the flag, and obviously the holes playing into the wind are playing really, really long, so today is a really good test of golf.

Q.  Are you happy with your game in general at the moment?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  Yes, yes, very happy, yeah.  I think today was very good.  It wasn't very good at the Open all week, so it's feeling much better now.  As I said, today it was really hard to hit greens, but I knew a few birdies, which is a sign of hitting it quite nicely.

Q.  Did you have dinner with José Maria Olazábal a couple nights ago before the tournament started?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI :  No, I didn't have dinner with him.  We had like a big meeting or‑‑

Q.  Sorry, I thought it was dinner.
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  No, it was just a big meeting with the other guys that are on the team at the moment, just got to sit down together for a few minutes and had a bit of a chat.  Nothing special, but it was nice of him to get all the guys together and start to get in the atmosphere a little bit.

Q.  This week can you keep the Ryder Cup off your mind or was it in the back of your mind the whole time?
FRANCESCO MOLINARI:  No, I think this year‑‑ two years ago it was harder because I was just on the edge of making the team.  This year I'm not sure if I'm making it, but I'm in a little bit more comfortable position so I can focus more on this tournament.  I haven't been thinking about it too much.

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