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July 27, 2012

Bud Cauley


Q.  What a day out there for you.  What was it that you figured out today that maybe you couldn't figure out yesterday?
BUD CAULEY:  Putting well helps everything.  I really hit it about the same.  I maybe gave myself a few more opportunities, but I hit it close so I was able to convert.

Q.  Tell me about the eagle at the 5th hole?  Take us through that.
BUD CAULEY:  Yeah, it was nice.  Hit a great drive up there to put myself in good shape, and I was really trying to lag that down there.  I got fortunate it went in.

Q.  Tell us about some of the other shots you'll reflect upon from this round and use as you advance into the weekend as well?
BUD CAULEY:  Really the one that stuck in my head right now was on 8.  I think it was like 210 yards or something into the wind.  Hit a nice 4‑under about 5 feet.  So you have to remember those.

Q.  You've been playing quite well recently.  Tell me about the prospects for the weekend now?
BUD CAULEY:  Yeah, I'm going to try to keep doing what I'm doing.  I need to work on a few things on the range, and hopefully keep the putter going.

Q.  A lot of guys love this old school style layout?
BUD CAULEY:  Yeah, it's great.  If you hit the ball well, you can definitely score.  If not, it's a big struggle.

Q.  First week that Bud Cauley has seen Hamilton Golf and Country Club, a beautiful 63.  What do you like about this golf course, and how does it suit your game?
BUD CAULEY:  I think it's a little bit of a ball striker's golf course.  If you hit the ball well, you can definitely make some birdies.  And if not, standing on that rough too much, it can get tough out there.

Q.  First part of your year was pretty consistent.  Little bit of a valley in the middle, but over the last few weeks you've been playing well.  Fourth place finish in Mississippi last week and obviously this week.  What has clicked to produce these good numbers?
BUD CAULEY:  I think I maybe hit the wall a little bit.  It's a lot of golf.  Played a lot in the beginning.  So I feel a little more refreshed now.  I went to see my coach the week before Mississippi and got some things straightened out, so it helped a lot.

Q.  With this good number heading into the weekend?
BUD CAULEY:  I keep doing what I'm doing.  Played well last week; put four good rounds together and two solid rounds this week.  I'll just try to keep it going.

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