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July 5, 2012

Se Ri Pak


Q.  Se Ri, the obvious question, what is it like to be back here where you had so many great heroics?
SE RI PAK:  Actually very exciting to be back again.  Of course, it was 14 years ago, but the funny things I remember was at the playoff, last couple holes, and then I did a practice round earlier and they moved the tee.  It felt like a totally different golf course, you know.  But as I said, I have such great memories about '98, so no matter what, I feel really great to be out.

Q.  What did you think of your round?
SE RI PAK:  I was really solid round today.  I'm very happy about the way I'm playing.  But this golf course, you miss one shot little and you look and you have huge scores, huge numbers all of a sudden show up.  You can see that.
So today, same as I am, actually.  I was all the way to 18 I got a really great solid round, and I got a couple ‑‑ maybe I think I had three missed shots that cost five strokes there.  So that's a lot.  So other than that, I really, really feel great.  Very happy to be out here again, and of course today you can see it's so hot out there.  But it's just really fun.  Fun to watch all the fans out there.  Seems like back then 14 years ago, I love to see that.  So it just makes me feel great.

Q.  Do you feel like you're still in contention?
SE RI PAK:  Yes, of course, because still three rounds to go.  But I will do my best as I could the last three rounds.  But no matter what happens, this is my best ever, ever at the golf course, ever tournament.  So no doubt about it, and of course, as I said, I wish I could do it one more time, but we'll see.

Q.  How aggressive can you be out on this course?  It seems like everybody is kind of trying to avoid the big number.  But how aggressive can you be in trying to make some scores?
SE RI PAK:  It's pretty hard because today is a lot firmer than yesterday.  And of course afternoon tee times are going to be a little harder, too, because fairways firm, greens firm and actually the breeze helps a little bit more than anything.
So just as I said, I know out there is a lot of trouble, and the best way to just ‑‑ you have to take it, no matter what.  Of course you're trying to not make big mistake, but it was happening.  Like today I knew I got mistake here and there, but I still hung in there because I know I'm the only one miss it.  So just hang in there.  I'm trying to make sure I'm thinking positive as far as I could.

Q.  Se Ri, did you find that the crowds know you and were really supporting you because of your previous success?
SE RI PAK:  Yes.  All the fans out there, every single person, they walk and they want to see me again here, and again, no more repeat and at the same time it's a lot of pressure.  But I like to see the fans remember that.
I think because of ‑‑ I guess that's the years of the most best memories, I think, in history, I guess, because for myself, not because I won, but I saw amazing fans out there in '98, back then.  And then we got Monday, Tuesday, the fans out there in the practice rounds, just amazing.  So really, really great.  Just grateful.

Q.  When you tee it up tomorrow, are there particular holes that you look at to go and try to get birdie, birdie?  Are there holes out there?
SE RI PAK:  Well, all the par‑5s probably trying to get some birdie out, but the par‑3 is pretty difficult here.  Par 3s is pretty long, a lot of trouble, short side and long side.  The greens are really you understand late and far from the edge.  So it's pretty hard.  And then some couple par‑4 has pretty short.  Actually can't really ‑‑ depends on how firm the green is, but you can make a couple of birdies there, but just more trouble out there, more birdies.  As I said, I'll try to hang in there the next three days and hopefully I will have another big smile.

Q.  Thank you very much.
SE RI PAK:  Thank you.

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