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June 2, 2012

Ross Fisher


Q.  Is that one of the best level pars you've ever shot?
ROSS FISHER:  Yeah, I think so.  You know, Adam actually said walking up to the last green there, he says:  "Not being funny, fish, this could be, what are we, plus one for the day?  If you birdie the last, level par, that would be the best round of golf we have ever seen."
You know, the 63 in the European Open was good but today was very impressive because I hit it everywhere.  Just hung in there and dug deep and scrambled and yeah, level par, delighted with that.

Q.  Losing a lot of tee shots to the right, do you know what's causing that?
ROSS FISHER:  Yeah, I had a bit of an accident last night.  I managed to walk out of the bathroom and kick the stone flooring.  So one of my toes on my left foot is as purple as anything.
So it was extremely painful last night to even walk on it to ice it for a couple of hours last night, and a couple of hours this morning.  But as soon as I got socks and shoes on, it was actually bearable to walk on, but for some shots, it was causing me a little bit of discomfort.
But you know, I guess that's me, just a little bit accident prone, so I have to suck it up and do the best I can.  It eased up as the round went on.  It was fine to walk on, just have to be a bit careful.
But unfortunately I put myself in a lot of tough spots, so it was tested to the full.  But luckily I came out of it and go and get some treatment, a bit of ice on it and hopefully it will be fine tomorrow.

Q.  How do you approach this final round in the situation you're in, carrying an injury, as well?
ROSS FISHER:  Yeah, the first two days, the first day especially, I struggled, like today, scrambled very well.  Yesterday I made it a lot easier for myself off the tee, hitting a lot of greens and was putting nicely.  Today was tough not being able to get through the ball.
Like I say, I lost a lot of shots to the right.  Just have to wait and see.  Going to see the guys in the physios, probably won't do much, just chill out and spend some time with Jo and the kids and wake up tomorrow and ice it again.  Fingers crossed, it will be ready tomorrow and try to go out tomorrow and try to get stuck in and try to hit a few more fairways and not lose so many to the right.

Q.  After such a lean spell, what would it mean to come out on top tomorrow?
ROSS FISHER:  It would mean a lot, as you say, I've disappeared for quite a long time, I guess since The Ryder Cup.  It's been very disappointing.  I had high expectations.  I reached 17th in the world, so I know my game is good enough.  It's been a difficult transition, but I feel like myself and Adam are slowly getting there with the equipment and the ball.
You know, when I'm swinging well, it's on the money and just occasionally it's cool at times.  Just have to go out tomorrow, hit some good shots, hole some putts and you never know, hopefully I'll be standing here tomorrow.
Obviously pleased to come out with level par.  Disappointed obviously with the way I played, but as you just heard, my left foot, unfortunately wasn't enabling me to get through the ball today.  I lost a lot of shots out to the right and was trying to swing normally at it.
A couple of times I felt it off the tee shots, hitting a little harder.  It was quite painful to hit shots with.  To walk on it was fine.  But you know, just had to dig deep like I did on Thursday, and I had some great saves.  You know, to hit two great shots into the last would have been nice to knock in for a three, but I'm glad I knocked it in for a birdie and level par I've delighted with.

Q.  Watching you on the telly out there, you seemed to battle that round, you fought back to get that score, didn't you?
ROSS FISHER:  I didn't get off to a great start.  Dropped a couple of shots the first few holes but then hit straight back with a couple of nice birdies, which was nice.  But then gave a couple of shots back straightaway.  I always seem to follow the dropped shots with a couple of birdies.  So that was nice.
It was important to finish the round off, because you know, I dropped a couple on the back nine, and it could have been worse.  You know, I made a very good save on 15, great save on 16 and 17.  And hit two good shots into the last.  I was kind of hoping that I had hit it probably up the right‑hand side somewhere, try and pitch out and pitch on to the green.  I aimed miles left and it was the first shot that actually went left.
So to walking up there and see it up there lying nicely, it was tough not to go for it.  So fortunately had a good number and hit a lovely shot and walked off with level par, which I'm very pleased with.

Q.  Explain how you picked up the injury.
ROSS FISHER:  Just unfortunately managed to kick the bathroom floor in the hotel.  There's a little ledge as you step out of the bathroom into the room, and somehow managed to kick it.  I'm a little bit accident prone.  Did the other foot about a month or so ago in Seville.  You could say I'm a little bit accident prone.  But you know, I guess things happen, saw the physios, got it taped up and got to get out there and play, and just a couple of shots.
But you know, hopefully I'll go and ice it now, see Jo and the kids, have a nice night's sleep and wake up tomorrow and hopefully the purpleness will have gone down and play a good round of golf tomorrow.

Q.  A lot of golfers say they prefer to chase on the final day.  Would you agree with that, or would you prefer to have a healthy lead?
ROSS FISHER:  Doesn't bother me.  When I've won, obviously the European Open springs to mind.  I was leading by two and all of a sudden, we have probably six or seven holes, maybe not even, that I had ten or 12 holes to play and I had a five‑ or seven‑shot lead and that was quite nice.  But that's difficult because you try and play conservative.  But at the same time, you want to remain aggressive.
So you know, having the lead is obviously very nice.  You have got guys chasing you, but at the same time, you know, hopefully he can get out there, checks check post a couple of birdies and get myself right up there and if I can post a good score, give the guys something to chase behind us, then we'll just have to wait and see.

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