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June 2, 2012
Q. (No microphone)?
COACH BROOKS: Yes, Thabo will start off guarding Parker, Russell and Green, and then other guys that are your normal match‑ups. The switching, we're going to do a few things that we did last game. We have pick‑and‑roll coverage, and we have a few other pick‑and‑roll covers that we do, and switching will be involved in that.
Definitely won't start the game off switching, but if the time comes and we feel it's the best thing to do, we'll definitely do it.
Q. You had the pick‑and‑roll numbers from Game 2. Did you have them from Game 3? It seems like they kind of blew up on them before they even got into pick‑and‑roll?
COACH BROOKS: They ran quite a few. They still ran a lot of pick‑and‑rolls. More than most teams, but not as many as a Game 2. Game 1 was 86, the last game was probably low 70s. They run a lot of pick‑and‑rolls.
They're good. That's what they do. They're smart. They know how to play. They do a great job of finding open players. Of they roll hard, set great screens. We have to be able to guard it.
The pick‑and‑roll defense is a 5:00 minute defense. It's a physical effort and a mental effort because you have to see it every time, and you might see 2, 3, and 4 in any given possession. It's not like you can cover it one time possession, and possessions over. You just have to wait for the next 12 seconds off the shot clock. They're going to come back and maybe 1 or 2 more.
Q. Scott, when you're at this point in the series and you've had to adjust, how much do you worry about their counters to your adjustments and what you'll do next?
COACH BROOKS: Well, I think each team will have some adjustments. But I really believe each team, they're here‑‑ both teams are here for a reason. We've done good things all year long, and we've built our team and our system, and our belief on a philosophy. You're not going to change it overnight.
You've worked all through training camp, you've worked through the season doing it, and you hope that it keeps improving. We've done it all year long, and I think there's going to be changes. But I think the changes that you'd see that were done in the past. It's not like we're going to extract everything we've done. We've always switched 1 through 4. Not always, but a lot of times, especially when Kevin's at the 4.
We've done things on the post that we've always done. But now you have sometimes that you have to throw them out there during the game. He's a great post. I'm sure he's going to have other things he's done in the past and throw them in tonight, and vice versa.
Q. Can you self‑scout? In other words, after that Game 3, do you watch the film and say, here's what we think Pop will do in response to this? Is there some guessing game or do you wait until the game starts and then‑‑
COACH BROOKS: Well, I think you have to look at it what they've done in the past and how they counter things. They have a lot of experience. They do a lot of things well. I think we do a lot of things well on that note, but I really believe that they're going to stick with what they do well, and they're going to try to do it better. That was our biggest adjustment.
We played better basketball last game. We can talk about adjustments. We can talk about the things that we did, things that I changed up. But it's really our guys played better basketball and they deserve all the credit.
Q. Along those lines, given that energy and efficiency that you guys showed, did they maybe learn something about themselves and can they match that?
COACH BROOKS: I will say this: Been with this group, most of the guys four years, three years, some the last two years. But one of the things I always know about our group, we're going to play hard. We don't play the scoreboard. We're going to try to do the right things every time down the court with great effort.
Sometimes it's not going to work out, but our team they're very resilient. They always believe and they always continue to trust in each other. I thought last game our effort was great. I thought we played good also on top of that effort. It's easy. To me, it's always the easiest thing to do.
I tell our guys all the time, it's easy to play hard. It's hard to play well. We did a great job of playing well last game. Role players can have great games, but it's hard to play consistent great games if you're a role player. That's why we have good role players and they have good role players. They play very consistent and play well.
Thabo has a great role for us. It's important what he does. He makes the shots. He got the shots, and he stepped up in confidence. But his defense is like that all the time.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports