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May 26, 2012
Q. (Inaudible.)
KIRK TRIPLETT: I eagled number 3. I hit a 3‑wood right on the front of the green and made about a 30 foot putt for a two. Seemed easy.
Q. Routine.
KIRK TRIPLETT: Well, I don't make eagles on very many par‑4s, so I was pretty excited.
Q. Building on that the rest of the round, how did you feel?
KIRK TRIPLETT: I hit a lot of greens and had some chances and made a couple and missed, I bogeyed 14 and just really couldn't get any momentum after that.
So happy with the 3‑under, but would have liked to have shot more. Like everybody else.
Q. Plans for tonight going into tomorrow?
KIRK TRIPLETT: To shoot lower tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports