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May 13, 2012

Ben Curtis


Q.  You looked pretty confident standing over that putt on 18.
BEN CURTIS:  Well, I've been putting good all week.  It was that length.  I struggled with the more four‑ to six‑footers, but the ten‑footer, whatever it may have been, just felt a lot more comfortable.
So that was big, just to have that length of a putt.  Yeah, actually had a good read.  We both read the same thing, my caddie and I, so that made it easier.

Q.  You just kind of kept moving along and moving along all day long.  Were you looking at the scoreboard?
BEN CURTIS:  Oh, yeah, definitely.  It was one of those you knew you were going to have to get to 12, 13 probably to have a chance.  The greens were receptive and never got real sunny to bake them out.
So that made it easier knowing that, hey, you've got to be aggressive instead of just playing for par.  It was a lot of fun just to go out there and play with Rickie.  I hadn't played with him before on a Sunday, so it was a lot of fun and we both played pretty well.

Q.  You still have to qualify for Olympic, correct?
BEN CURTIS:  As of now, yes.

Q.  But you're in everything else?
BEN CURTIS:  As far as I know, but who knows.  I'll find out when I can play.

Q.  Awful lot of fans out there today, a lot of support, a lot of pink.  You wore a pink hat today.  Must be fairly gratifying as a player to see so many people out and paying attention to what the PGA TOUR is doing.
BEN CURTIS:  Yeah, exactly.  Obviously all the volunteers and stuff, but a lot of the fans; at the hotel here there was 20, 30 people all wearing pink.
So it was fun to go out and support mothers and women all across the world.  What a great day, and obviously Rickie had a big following, had his orange clan out there.

Q.  You've never played with Rickie before?
BEN CURTIS:  Not in a tournament.  I've played a practice round here and there.

Q.  What was that like?
BEN CURTIS:  It was crazy.  They love him, that's for sure.  But my caddie's name is Ricky, so we kept teasing him all day:  "Ricky, why are they calling your name?"
It was a lot of fun.  A lot of young kids out here, and it's great for the game.

Q.  What's your takeaway from today?
BEN CURTIS:  Well, he's got that never‑give‑up kind of attitude.  Even though we both kind of struggled the first nine holes, you could just see, as long as he has a chance to make a few birdies coming in at the end, he's going to give it a run.  There's very few guys that do that, and he's one of them in the game of golf; Phil, Tiger, those guys, Jack in his heyday.  He's going to be good for a long, long time.

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