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April 29, 2012
Q. 7‑under par, no bogeys, tell us.
RICHIE RAMSAY: Everything went according to plan. I was a little bit nervous going out, but with the experience of the last two or three years, I know that you have to kind of got to embrace the nerves.
Just tried to commit to every shot. The mental game was fantastic. I just imagined I was out playing with my friends at a Golf Club of Georgia in Atlanta.
When I get under pressure, that's what I do, try to imagine playing with my friends. With them I try to knock some flags out and that's what I was trying to do, knock some flags out and make some birdies, because obviously there was not much wind, and yet you had to go low. And Bernd is kind of chasing away from everybody.
Q. 13‑under will be second place, how happy are you with that?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Oh, fantastic. Ballantine's has done a fantastic event here. The sponsorship has been brilliant. The tournament has been run fantastically well, and it's great to come here and obviously there's a lot of people out here today which makes it good to hit some nice shots.
They are very encouraging out on the golf course, they love it when you hit a nice drive and hit it close and make putts. All in all it's been a great week and I felt that it had been coming and it's nice to just put a number on the board.
Q. How special has it been with The European Tour here in Asia?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Asia is a massive growth market for us. We are very fortunate that we have been out here for a number of years now, and I think it's mutually beneficial for both of us. We come over here and we get to play fantastic events and we obviously get to see the best that Europe has got to offer, and you get the young stars to play, as well. It's a win/win situation for us, and long may it continue.
Q. Guess you couldn't ask for much more than that to close, could you.
RICHIE RAMSAY: It was a fantastic day. Like I say, I was a bit nervous going out. But I had some sort of mental notes in my head, and every time I got a little bit nervous, I would just go back to those mental notes and try to be as committed and positive as possible.
You know, the last tee shot was crucial for me, because obviously I made birdie on 16 but I was bunched in that second place. Hit a fantastic tee shot and lovely 5‑iron with a draw, just came down the slope and lovely to make that three‑ or four‑footer which is always tricky. It gives me a slight cushion which makes obviously a big difference coming into The Race to Dubai standings.
Q. A low score in other circumstances would have given you a very nice chance but the leader is just unassailable today?
RICHIE RAMSAY: I'm really, really pleased with the round. It's been fantastic you never want to lose; being a golfer, we always want to be the one that wins. But to be honest, Bernd has played fantastically well out there. Obviously the fact that he's a really nice guy; I played with him a few times on The Challenge Tour, this is like four or five years ago, and he's a top‑class guy. If you're going to get beat by somebody, you don't want it to be anybody, but if it's going to be anybody, it might as well be Bernd because he's a good guy.
Q. Did you still fancy your chances this morning?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Midway through the back nine, I thought if I could post 13 or 14‑under, I thought I could just get his nerves going coming down the stretch. And obviously that last tee shot can be quite daunting when you have got a lead, because you've got to take driver right over the corner. I just thought, if I could post 13 or 14‑under, I might just get some thoughts swirling in his head. And you never know, with golf, you never know what's going to happen. Obviously Paul winning The Open with VandeVelde coming down the last; so you never know what's going to happen. And I'm glad that I posted the 13‑under. I'll sit and watch, but I'm not expecting anything to happen to be honest.
Q. I take it this rubber‑stamps the progress you've been making of late?
RICHIE RAMSAY: Yeah, obviously moving to the States in the past few years and trying to spend a lot of time out there to work on my short game and my putting, and you know, I drove the ball well today. I have the new R11S, which has given me a little bit of distance, and I've putted well.  That's what you've got to do, I putted and I chipped well yesterday.
That was really the main reason for spending more time in the States was to get time to chip‑and‑putt on good greens. Very fortunate that I'm a member at the Golf Club of Georgia and I get to practice out there. You know, it's an investment in my game, and obviously weeks like this, it really pays dividends. You know, obviously it vindicates the decision to spend that time, which is tough, because you're away from friends and family. My girlfriend supports me fantastically well out there, so it makes a difference.
A lot to look forward to now. There's some massive events back home, I really want to make a push for the events in Scotland. And obviously Race to Dubai is in the back of your mind, and I've got a wedding in September. So I think Angela will be happy that we have a few pence in the bank to pay for that.
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