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April 13, 2012

Brandt Snedeker


Q.  Two nines there, you were on a roll, making the turn 6‑under and battled your way on the back side.
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  Yeah, it was tough.  I didn't hit a lot of greens.  I hit one green on the whole back nine.  It makes for a tough going for you.  I played some key up‑and‑downs and a few breaks coming in.

Q.  Talk about that five birdies in a row, because you made a couple of long putts, I believe a 34‑footer and about a 25‑footer.
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  I was playing good earlier, just missed a couple of putts the first couple of holes.  And then on No. 6, I believe, just off the green, from about 35 foot.  The next hole made about a 10‑footer for birdie.  On 8 I made about a 25, 30‑footer down the hill.  I was trying to snuggle it up close.  It was kinds of a nice way to get putts going in.  It's nice to see those go in today.

Q.  Five back, and you were six back a year ago Sunday.  Thoughts on the weekend?
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  I feel like I'm in great position.  I really hung in there this afternoon.  The wind was blowing around a lot and the greens were crusty.  Looking forward to tomorrow afternoon.  I've been there before and I know how it feels, so I'll go out there and try to shoot a low one.

Q.  Six birdies on your opening 9, five in a row.  No birdies on your closing nine and two bogeys.  As a golfer, what are you going to take away from this, the 30 or the 37 coming in?
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  The 37 coming in is probably better than the 30 on the front nine.  I had great up‑and‑downs on the back nine.  The wind was blowing more and the greens were firm, so it was impossible to get it close.  As good as the 30 was on the front nine, I'm really proud of the 37, because I made a bunch of key par putts.

Q.  Last year you came from six shots down on Sunday to win this event.  Of course you came from behind at Torrey Pines earlier this year.  That being said, you're five back right now, assess your position right now in this tournament.
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  I'm in great position right now.  The guys that have been on the other end of the draw and not seen those firm conditions we've seen at the last couple of days.  The golf ball is bouncing so much out here, it's playing so tough.  It's going to be a hard after noon tomorrow, and harder after noon on Sunday.  I look forward to that.  It's going to be a battle of wills out there, and guys are going to have to think their way around this golf course.  It's going to be tough.

Q.  Talk about the six birdies.
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  You know, I birdied No. 2, which was a good way to start the day.  And starting on 5, I guess, par‑5, I got up and down on the par‑5.  Chipped it to about five feet and made it.
6, I made a 25, 30‑footer from off the green, was trying to get close and got lucky and fell in the front edge.
7, I hit a great 7‑iron to about five feet, six feet and was able to make that one.
8, I hit a good 7‑iron about 30 feet behind the hole.  Putting trying to cozy it up close, and luckily it went in the center.
On 9 I hit a perfect sand wedge to about three feet, two feet.  A good run of holes.  I like those runs, makes you feel good about yourself.  But it was a tough day all in all.  The back nine is tough.

Q.  The draw favored the guys in the morning yesterday.  Are you happy where you sit?
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  Very happy.  I think I'm low guy in my draw, so can't be too disappointed with that.  Still got a lot of golf to go.  It's firm and fast.

Q.  What is it about the back nine that made it so tough today?
BRANDT SNEDEKER:  The wind picked up a lot.  It was swirling around on 14, 15, 16.  That's always a tough stretch of holes, but when the wind is swirling around, the greens being so firm, that's really tough pins for those holes the way the wind was blowing.  It's tough to get the ball close and tough to make key putts you need to make.

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