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March 17, 2012
Q. You go down 4‑2. What are you thinking?
CAM SIMAZ: I'll be the first to tell you that the plan wasn't to go out there and like take him down, get a few escapes and start losing.
Obviously that wasn't the game plan. But the game plan was to go out there wrestle hard for seven minutes. Hopefully outscore him. That's my game plan every single time. Don't always tech fall guys, but I try.
Q. Was there a point there, Cam, that you thought maybe that you (indiscernible) him a little bit? You got ahead of him, but‑‑
CAM SIMAZ: When I did this? I was like, All right, one more takedown should seal it.
Q. Right. But you obviously had to wrestle the whole match, but at one point did you think, hey, this is going my way now?
CAM SIMAZ: I'd like to think maybe in the second period things started working better. First period I got to a pick. He's good scrambling there, squared on me. Gave that one up. I mean, I tried not to, but I just thought I'd go back to my offense, try to score some more. Luckily I had seven, he had five.
Q. How much do you like Rob Koll's sarcastic humor?
CAM SIMAZ: I like it, man. Keeps it light. I don't know if I could do it somewhere where there's never a joke. You know what I mean? I don't live well in that environment. Keep it fun for me, I love it.
Q. Last year you said your legs were heavy, you didn't feel right. When I interviewed you the first two times this year, you said you were feeling the same. Did you start feeling better, or what did you think it was?
CAM SIMAZ: Cut down my warmup time. I started taking two or three ice baths a day, seemed to cure it up a little bit. I felt great on the stage today in front of everybody. That might have just been excitement.
I think the ice baths helped, and I hardly warmed up. Just like hit three shots of those, let's go win the title. And we did, so it worked.
Q. I gotta ask at this point, 3 for 3 in the Finals for Cornell. What's that mean to you individually and as a group, the guys that were able to pull it off for the team?
CAM SIMAZ: Yeah, I mean, like we said before, after the semis this was supposed to be a rebuilding year and we had three titles, three champions. That's pretty impressive. I couldn't be more proud of this team. Michael Nevinger, what a stud. He just works his butt off. By far the hardest worker in the room, and he earned his All‑American status today.
Bosak, he's my number one partner. Love the kid to death. He's my roommate. He always rooms with me on the trips.
I was probably more excited to see him win this title than me. Even though it may not have looked like it. I was pretty excited for myself. When Bosak won, I was in the back in the shadows going crazy, but had to try to stay calm for my match.
Q. Was it part of your game plan strategy going in to hit low‑level shots? You hit that a lot. You got to it. Were you thinking that going in?
CAM SIMAZ: No, I mean, I saw David Taylor do it, so I was like, I'll try that. No. That's my thing. I do watch a lot of David Taylor. He's going to love me that I said that to him. Congrats, Dave.
Kyle might not like it when I say this, but he's one of the dominant wrestlers, if not the most dominant wrestler in college wrestling today. He's so fun to watch, the way he moves, transitions. I wish I wrestled like him. I try to. Not quite there. I'm like 200pounds, gotta give me a break. He's so fun to watch, and I try to emulate him.
Q. You mentioned working out with Bosak. But what's Damion Hahn do for you guys? He won this event twice, and second in the Olympic trials. He's probably got to be part of your success as well.
CAM SIMAZ: Yeah. I love Damion. He's everything to our program. Especially for the upper‑weight guys, Bosak, me, Machak, Billy George, Peppleman even. Those bigger guys he focuses on.
And he's more than just a coach, assistant coach, he's a good friend. He's our father at Cornell. He looks after us. There's other guys that‑‑ it seems like that's their job. Clint Wattenberg has been sort of my dad since I've been in Cornell, just taking care of me, pointing me in the right direction. I can honestly say I've grown in a huge way as a wrestler since I've come to Cornell.
But I think I've grown even more as a person, and that's a tribute to those guys.
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