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March 1, 2012
Nebraska – 88
Northwestern – 56
THE MODERATOR: Coach, opening comments.
COACH MCKEOWN: You know, two of the smartest people in coaching told me‑‑ or one I read, the other told me‑‑ say as little as possible after the game. One was Tara VanDerveer and one was Tom Landry. So I'm just going to say Nebraska took the game to us from the opening tip, really, and we can never bounce back.
Give them a lot of credit. I think the pace they played at we controlled in Lincoln, and today we couldn't do that, and that was the big difference.
THE MODERATOR: Questions for Karly.
Q. How much of their pressure upset your guys' offensive flow today?
KARLY ROSER: I think just them getting in our shorts right off the tip, like Coach said, kind of rattled us a little bit. And last game we were able to handle it no problem. But this game we let it get to us a little bit more. So that made it difficult to run our offense, get the ball up the court, and they forced a lot of turnovers on our part.
Q. What goes through your head, Karly, in that big run in the first half that they had and shots aren't falling for you guys and they're falling for Nebraska?
KARLY ROSER: Just that we need to find a way to bounce back. We've done it in past games and had good results. So we knew we had it in us. I think we just kind of ran out of gas at the end and they kept taking it to us. They didn't really slow down at all. Just tough one.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you. We'll finish up with questions for Coach.
Q. Coach, with what you saw today, what would you say of the Huskers' chances going forward in the tournament?
COACH MCKEOWN: I think in conference tournaments, really, I think you just win and advance. I'm not sure you really‑‑ obviously they played well. But I'm sure if you asked them, they're just focused on Iowa.
But it's such a balanced league that on any given night in this league I think you'll see a lot of potentially crazy things happen in this tournament. But they're capable of winning it. So is probably a lot of people that are still playing.
Q. The change in their pressure defense was more half court than the last time you played them?
COACH MCKEOWN: Well, last time I thought the game in Lincoln, two things happened in the first half. Number one, we just handled the pressure that they put on us and we played great defense. We scored. We were able to score.
So I just felt that we played with a lot of confidence. Went into halftime‑‑ I think it was a tie game. But felt like we were in control of the pace of the game.
Where today we turned it over in that run. They made shots. They got‑‑ I think they hit seven or eight 3s, where in the first game we defended the 3‑point line really well.
And today we just didn't do a very good job.
Q. In the couple time‑outs you took in the first half, what was the message to your team?
COACH MCKEOWN: Just trying to slow them down. Just trying to slow down and get the ball inside and trying to make us play with some of the poise that we showed when we were really good this year and try to control the game the way we did in Lincoln. We just couldn't do that. I'm sure I'm probably out of time‑outs this year. I'll have to check my stats.
But the other thing, I'm just really proud of our team to start off 10‑1. We were one of the best teams in the country. Went on the road and beat top‑20 teams. I thought we were right there.
We got bit a little bit with injuries and kind of carried through the Big Ten. So I'm disappointed. We're disappointed. But I'm really proud of our team. And today was not indicative of, I think, the kind of team we are.
So for our senior class, to win as many games over their four years, I think they won more games than any three‑year stretch in Northwestern history going back to the'90s. So it shows you the strides we're making as a program. We lost three great players last year, three seniors.
So we'll bounce back. We'll be back. But I wish Nebraska well. They played really well today.
THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Coach.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports