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February 24, 2012

Carmelo Anthony


CARMELO ANTHONY:  I just have to really take my focus to another level to perform at a high level because it was almost like you went out there and you scored 40, you scored 35 points, and people said you played like you don't care anymore.  If you go out there and don't score that many points and you don't win basketball games, people are going to say you don't care.  Either way, it was kind of like a lose‑lose situation.  You kind of just had to go out there and just lock in and just focus in and try to block a lot of that stuff out.

Q.  I'm not sure if you're aware, but it's the 20th anniversary of Magic coming back to the NBA with HIV/AIDS.  I was wondering what you thought of his return and what it meant to the NBA.
CARMELO ANTHONY:  Well, I think it set a lot of boundaries.  It definitely set a precedent in the NBA as a whole and in our community, as well.  It brought a lot of awareness to that situation, to HIV.  Whereas a lot of people before that wasn't really sure, people didn't really want to play with him.  Some of the players didn't want to get on the court with him, didn't want to guard him.  And I respect‑‑ if I remember correctly, I respect what Dennis Rodman did that game, playing Magic Johnson, the way he played him and not really thinking about that.  And then after that how much everybody embraced Magic.

Q.  Talk with playing with LeBron James.
CARMELO ANTHONY:  Yeah, I always have fun when I'm going up against LeBron and them guys.  It's always a fun situation.  I would have had a little bit more fun if we would have won the game.  It happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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