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February 23, 2012

Agnieszka Radwanska


6‑2, 6‑1

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  That was very efficient of you, wasn't it?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Yeah, actually I didn't really expect that for sure.  (Smiling.)

Q.  What did you think you did particularly well today?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Um, I think‑‑ to be honest, I think return was the key of this match.  I mean, we know that she's really big server and serving very well, so I think I was just ready for it.
First couple breaks it was I think also very important, because the first set was much tighter than the second one.
I think I was just focused from the beginning.  I knew that she's playing great tennis last couple months, and I really had to play even better than the other matches.

Q.  Where does her serve figure?  Obviously Serena has got the really big shot.  Is she close to it?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Yes.  You know, I think that everybody could see that, you know, it's sometimes around 200 kilometers per hour.  So it's pretty strong.
But, you know, I'm just, you know, very happy that I could handle myself and could break her couple of times.

Q.  Looking forward to tomorrow's match?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Yes.  I think, you know, um, we play against each other long time ago, so I think, um, it's gonna be great challenge to play someone that I haven't played in such a long time.
I saw a little bit her match before me, and, you know, she's really playing good tennis this week.  So for sure it's going to be tough.

Q.  Women's tennis is getting more and more physical.  You're not the strongest girl, but you are doing well.  Do you try to also like put some muscles on you, or do you worry about your agility and speed?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Well, you know, of course tennis, especially women's tennis, everybody, you know, plays a little bit different and look a little bit different.
But for sure, you know, I'm happy with my 36 size, you know.  Of course I'm working hard and also, you know, working in the gym a lot.  But I think just it's my body is never going to be‑‑ never going to look like other players.

Q.  Where did you do your winter training?  Back in Poland?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Yes.  Actually I just love being home.  At the moment I can't imagine practice somewhere else.  We are traveling ten months a year and actually being guest in our home.
So always staying at home if it's possible.  Even now, you know, I will go for a couple days home before Indian Wells.  Even though it's winter, it's always good to be back home.

Q.  And the training facilities are good there?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Um, hmm.  Not really.  (Smiling.)  But to be honest, I don't even have a hard court in my city.  I'm in Kraków which is not a small city.  Yeah, I'm practicing on carpet or kind of like a‑‑ maybe similar to hard court but like a really fast surface.
So, you know‑‑ but, you know, I mean, everywhere the courts are the same, you know.  It's just about the surface, which is‑‑ unfortunately I don't have the hard court.
But like I said, I just feel good at home.  I'm starting at home and I have family and friends there.  I'm trying to live like a normal girl.
We are professional tennis players, but on the other side I want to have my home and my own place and not travel 12 months a year.  That would be too much for me for sure.

Q.  It's interesting when you say you want to go back for two or three days when you told me before it's not the easiest place to get to because your not living in Warsaw and there's not really time to relax if you're just flying in and out.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  To be honest, even when I go home even for three days I will relax, you know.  I'm just eating in my kitchen, sleeping in my bed, you know, just sitting on my coach.  I think this is very important things for me.  I really feel good even when I go home for those two days, you know.

Q.  Sorry to take you back over old ground, but I wasn't in Doha last week.  You did seem a bit annoyed at the end of last week's semifinal.  Is this a good chance to atone for that?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Well, to be honest, I don't think this is worth it to comment.  But, um, I think after this match just lost a lot of respect.  That's it.
If you do this in the match‑‑ if anyone didn't see the match, I think it's just quick look on YouTube and you'll know what was going on.

Q.  Yeah.  I wasn't asking for you to criticize the other player.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA:  Yeah, I was angry because I don't think this is the great image for the women's tennis, what was going on there.  So, yeah, unfortunately.

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