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February 16, 2012
A. RADWANSKA/V. Lepchenko
7‑5, 6‑1
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Can you tell us, please, what made the difference between the first set and the second set?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, you know, she start very well today, and, you know, just she was really hitting well, and, you know, serving very good.
So actually I was really in trouble, especially in the end of the set, two set points down. It's always tough to come back, especially that, you know, with her lefty serve is always tough to break.
You know, I'm just very happy, you know, I could come back and close this match in two sets.
Q. What were you telling yourself when you were almost looking at losing the first set? What kinda got you motivated? Was there a moment when you said, Okay, I can get this and win this set?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: You know, actually, when it was 40‑15, I was just thinking that I lost the set already and we just keep playing. But, you know, when you're on court, doesn't matter what score it is. You just fight until the end.
I think I just did it, you know. I did actually a few good shots, and actually I won this game. And then after this kind of game, you know, you feel more confident.
The next few games, you know, it was on my side. And afterwards, you know, in the beginning of the second set, I was also very focused, you know, to start good, because, you know, then I knew that she was playing very well and I really have to be focused each point.
Q. It seemed when she lost that first set, the momentum shifted and she seemed to have a lot more problems in the second set. Going into the second set, you were able to carry that confidence over and it showed, yeah?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yes. Actually, you know, it's always a bit easier, especially when you can come back like after difficult moment. It's always more confidence so it's always a bit easier to play.
So, you know, I knew that, you know, I really have to start good, you know, in the second set, because, you know, she was really playing well. You know, I really have to run a lot, you know, to win this match.
Q. You played Azarenka a couple of times this year. I believe you've known her for quite a few years. What difference to her game is there when you played against her than what she's done before?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Ah, well, first of all, she's very consistent player. She's playing from the beginning till the end, you know, the same tennis. Doesn't matter what score it is. She's really hitting the ball very well, you know, and each side the same, you know, good serve.
It's really hard to play her, for sure. We really have to be in shape and playing 100% to beat her.
Q. In two matches' time, you could be facing her again. What would you do differently to what you've done before?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: You know, like you said, I have two more matches to go, and this is a good tournament, so, you know, each match is difficult. So if I'm gonna play her, then I will think about it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports