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January 22, 2012
C. WOZNIACKI/J. Jankovic
6‑0, 7‑5
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You have to be fairly happy with that effort, I would think.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yes, I was really happy about the way I played, especially in the first set and a half. I mean, I have to say she started to play very well, as well. She had nothing to lose, so she could just go for it.
I had game points and break points in the last, or in the next couple of games when I was up 4‑1. I didn't take them.
But, you know, I knew she was a fighter and it wasn't going to be easy. I'm just happy to be here as the winner of the match. I felt like I played some really good tennis out there today.
Q. What were you thinking at 5‑All? You were up 4‑1. You seemed to be in control. Then she made a pretty big push back. She was coming to the net a lot, hitting the line. So when she gets to 5‑5, what are you thinking?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: To be honest, when it was 5‑4, 40‑30, I was thinking, Okay, I need to get this point and I need to close it out. It was like deja vu from last year.
But at 5‑All all...
Q. Maybe that's why you hit the forehand into the net. (Laughing.)
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, it wasn't. Actually, I meant to hit it over the net and short angle, but it didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to. (Smiling).
But, yeah, at 5‑All, I said, Okay, doesn't matter. It's still 5‑All. We are even here. Just keep going and keep fighting.
Q. Strategy‑wise, it looked like you changed it up a little bit against her. You were playing her forehand a lot.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: We know each other's games so well. We have played each other maybe six or seven times before. I knew how she was gonna play.
For me, it was important for me to keep my own game and focus on myself, and I think my game is to mix it up a little bit and not give the same pace.
So that was what I was trying to do, and move into the court, take the balls a bit earlier, and just move her around.
In the second set from 4‑1 she started just to take her chances. She had some lets. She came to the net, played some great volleys. She played some lines. I was just thinking, Okay, just keep focusing on the next point. Don't think about the score.
But I was really pleased about the way I was playing today.
Q. Did you get any particular advice on playing her from Richie, because obviously he knows her game very well?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: To be honest, not really. I mean, I have known her from the past. So we know by now, you know, most of the players' game already. So it's just about reminding yourself.
I have played Jankovic quite a few times last year, and so I knew how she was gonna play and I knew how to approach it.
Q. Next match could be a big step up. Kim's, she got out of jail kind of today. She's defending champion. She's won Grand Slams and you've had a hard time against her. Maybe you might even have to play better than you did today, huh?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I don't think I have to play better. I think I just need to play my game and play the same way as I did today. If I do, Kim really needs to play well to beat me.
You know, for me, it's important to think about myself and I believe I'm a great player. So if I lose to someone who just played better than me that day, it's just take my hat off and say, Well done, and I'll be back next time and try to do better.
Kim is a great player. She has won a lot. She's done a lot through her career. I know it's her last Australian Open, so I'm sure she will give everything. Today she had a really tough match against Li Na, and I thought you she was out.
But she showed her fighter heart and showed she can come back from any score. No, it's going to be a tough one. I'm excited about it and I'm looking forward to it.
Q. At what point did you think she was out?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think when she did that dropshot with the‑‑ it made it half of the court and into Li Na's backhand. I said, Okay, that's done. That's over done.
But it was a lot mentally, as well. I think Li Na, looking back, she's probably thinking, you know, I could maybe have gone a little bit more for it when I was up 6‑2 in the tiebreaker.
But it's tennis, and one day you win a match like that; sometimes you lose. You know, it's just about moving on and learning from the things you've done.
Q. Do you think you will step in the same trap as Li Na did, the mental trap?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: No, I believe that I can just play point by point.
Q. How are you planning on trying to take advantage of her injury? She still could be moving not as well as usual.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: To be honest, I will just be focusing on myself. She still has two days to rest, or one day, and I don't know when we will be playing the next day.
But, you know, I'm sure that I just have to play my game and focus on myself.
Q. What about your wrist problems?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: It's been much better from day one to now. I'm very pleased.
Q. How much are you looking forward to the challenge of playing her, you know, on the big court, Grand Slam champion, your being No. 1, a lot of people will be anticipating it.
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: If I have to be honest, I'm just very excited to be through now and just enjoying an off day tomorrow. Those are the best days. You can just chill and watch tennis on TV.
I'm sure when I get to Tuesday‑‑ is it Sunday? Tuesday when I have to play, of course I'll be very focused and very‑‑ try to prepare myself as best as I can for that match, and just go out there and fight.
You can't do anything else, so just go out there and give it your all.
Q. Would you like a daylight match instead of the bugtime?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I like the nighttime, so I really like the night sessions. I think it's a great atmosphere. There were less bugs today than my first match, so maybe next time it will be even less.
Q. Are they more dangerous than kangaroos?
CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I actually had a small kangaroo‑‑ and I'm not kidding this time. (Laughter.) I was holding a small kangaroo, baby kangaroo, trying to show me that actually it was very nice to me this time.
Do you know what it did afterwards? I gave it some milk, and it just spit it all over me. I was like, Is this a thank you for just being nice and petting the kangaroo? I got milk all over myself.
I guess I deserved that from the story last year.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports